
Call for Expression of Interest (EoI) to source consultant (s) to identify and profile key actors and employment opportunities for youths along different segments of Avocado and Chili value chains.

  1. Background information

Kilimo Trust (KT) is a not-for-profit organization that contributes to broad-based wealth creation through agriculture and agribusiness development in East Africa. KT is an implementing partner for inclusive market-led agricultural value chain development on behalf of development partners, government agencies and the private sector. Our mission is to make agribusiness a transformative tool for wealth creation, food and nutrition security for smallholder farmers and other value chain actors.

Kilimo Trust Rwanda is implementing a project (2024 – 2027) titled “Inclusive agri-services delivery for employment creation” funded by AGRA to create employment opportunities for youth in avocado and chili value chains in Rwanda.

The aim of the project is to create about 4,000 new work opportunities for youth in wage and self-employment in avocado and chili value chains.

This EoI is soliciting applications from individual or a team of consultants to identification and profile of key actors and opportunities project in avocado and chili value chains in Rwanda.

  1. Objective of the assignment:

The objective of the study is to map existing and potential actors and employment opportunities in avocado and chili value chains, skills requirements, and barriers to youth employment. Specifically, the study will focus on the following:

  • Identification and profiling of key actors in avocado and chili value chains in Rwanda.
  • Analysis of existing employment opportunities for youths products, services, and labor along different segments of avocado and chili value chains.
  1. Methodology

The study will adopt the following approaches:

  1. Literature/desk review of secondary data including project documents, evaluations, and previous studies.
  2. Informed by the 1st draft from secondary review of literature, primary data (information on pending data gaps) will be collected from key stakeholders.
  3. Data analysis and report writing.
  4. Expected Deliverables:

Key expected deliverables will include:

  1. Inception report highlighting how the assignment will be conducted and deliverables.
  2. Two (2) separate draft reports:
    1. Report on identification and profiling of key actors in avocado and Chilli value chains.
    2. Report on existing employment opportunities for youth along different segments of avocado and chili value chains.
  3. Data collection tools
  4. Two (2) final reports.
  1. Timeline

This assignment will be delivered within a period of one (1) month from start date.

  1. Budget:

The consultant (s) will propose a realistic budget.

  1. Experience and Qualifications
  • Minimum of 5 years of practical experience in conducting similar or related studies in agribusiness or related field.
  • Good understanding of agribusiness ecosystem in Rwanda
  • Have working experience in Rwanda.
  1. Application Procedure

All required documents must be written in English and submitted as one folder named “Inclusive Agri-Services” to Application documents MUST include the following:

  1. Brief technical proposal which includes methodology on the approach and implementation of the assignment, and the work plan for implementation of the assignment.
  2. Financial proposal indicating budget breakdown
  3. CVs of leading technical personnel proposed for this assignment highlighting qualifications and experience.
  4. Copies of similar works done in the past.
  5. Contact details (email addresses) of referees (firms for whom you have produced similar assignments).

9. Application deadline

The deadline for application is Friday 13th September 2024 at 5:00 PM Rwanda Time.

Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.