Background: IPA is a research and policy Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that discovers and promotes effective solutions to global poverty problems. IPA designs, rigorously evaluates and refines these solutions and their applications together with researchers and local decision makers, ensuring evidence is used to improve the lives of the world’s poor. Since being founded in 2002, IPA has worked with over 400 leading academics to conduct over 500 evaluations in 51 countries.IPA Rwanda was established in 2013 and has multiple active projects spanning Education, Agriculture, Finance, and   Health. IPA   Rwanda   predominantly   implements   randomized evaluations in collaboration with the academics, the Government of Rwanda and other development NGOs to evaluate the impact of new development concepts to help inform future government policy and development projects.


IPA – Rwanda

Request for Proposals (RFP)

RFP No. 001/04/2024

Title of the procurement: Consultant on qualitative survey

Issue Date: September 30, 2024

WARNING: Prospective Offerors who have received this document from a source other than from IPA Rwanda should immediately contact and provide their name and mailing address in order that amendments to the RFP or other communications can be sent directly to them. Any prospective Offeror who fails to register their interest assumes complete responsibility in the event that they do not receive communications prior to the closing date. Any amendments to this solicitation will be issued and posted in

Synopsis of the RFP



Issue Date

September 30, 2024


Consultant on qualitative survey

Issuing Office

Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA), Rwanda

Plot 1123, KK23/KK387, Kicukiro(IPA Rwanda office map).

Deadline for Receipt of Questions

The deadline for receiving the questions is October 7, 2024

Point of Contact for Questions

For any question, please send your email to:


Deadline for Receipt of proposal

October 11, 2024, no later than 5PM

Proposal Submission Address

The proposal will be received via IPA Rwanda email address:

please include the RFP number in the subject line.

Anticipated Award Type

Consultancy contract

Basis for Award

The award will be issued to the responsible and reasonable offeror who provides the best value to IPA and its client using a combination of technical and cost/price factors.

Introduction and Purpose


Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) is a research and policy non-profit that discovers and promotes effective solutions to global poverty problems. IPA brings together researchers and decision-makers to design, rigorously evaluate, and refine these solutions and their applications, ensuring that the evidence created is used to improve the lives of the world’s poor.

IPA Rwanda invites qualified offerors to submit proposals to the Consultant on qualitative survey service in support of IPA Rwanda projects implementation.

Issuing Office

The Issuing Office and Contact Person noted in the above synopsis is the sole point of contact at IPA for purposes of this RFP. Any prospective offeror who fails to register their interest with this office assumes complete responsibility in the event that they do not receive direct communications (amendments, answers to questions, etc.) prior to the closing date.

Type of Award Anticipated

IPA anticipates awarding a Firm Fixed Price. This award type is subject to change during the course of negotiations.

General Instructions to Offerors

General Instructions

“Offeror”, “Subcontractor”, and/or “Bidder” means a firm proposing the work under this RFP. “Offer” and/or “Proposal” means the package of documents the firm submits to propose the work.

Offerors wishing to respond to this RFP must submit proposals, in English, in accordance with the following instructions. Offerors are required to review all instructions and specifications contained in this RFP. Failure to do so will be at the Offeror’s risk. If the solicitation is amended, then all terms and conditions not modified in the amendment shall remain unchanged.

Issuance of this RFP in no way obligates IPA to award a subcontract or purchase order. Offerors will not be reimbursed for any costs associated with the preparation or submission of their proposal. IPA shall in no case be responsible for liable for these costs.

Proposals are due no later than 5 pm, October 11, 2024 to be submitted to IPA Rwanda email Late offers will be rejected except under extraordinary circumstances at IPA’s discretion.

  1. The submission of a proposal to IPA in response to this RFP will constitute an offer and indicates the Offeror’s agreement to the terms and conditions in this RFP and any attachments hereto. IPA reserves the right not to evaluate a non-responsive or incomplete proposal.
  2. Proposal Cover Letter

A cover letter shall be included with the proposal on the Offeror’s company letterhead with a duly authorized signature and company stamp/seal using the Proposal Cover Letter template (see Attachments) for the format. The cover letter shall include the following items:

  • The Offeror will certify a validity period of 1 month for the prices provided. Acknowledge the solicitation amendments received.

Questions regarding the RFP

Each Offeror is responsible for reading and complying with the terms and conditions of this RFP. Requests for clarification or additional information must be submitted in writing via email or in writing to the Issuing Office as specified in the Synopsis above. No questions will be answered by phone. Any verbal information received from an IPA Rwanda employee or other entity shall not be considered as an official response to any question regarding this RFP.

Copies of questions and responses will be distributed in writing to all prospective bidders who are on record as having received this RFP after the submission date specified in the Synopsis above.

Instructions for the Preparation of Technical Proposals

Participation is open on equal terms to all natural and legal persons or firms working in the above-mentioned fields having legal authorizations to exercise the activity and any eligible natural, legal person or companies fulfilling the required conditions highlighted in this offer. The selection criteria that will be used to establish potential supplier are the follows:


  • Having adequate financial resources to finance and perform the work or deliver service or the ability to obtain financial resources without receiving advance funds from IPA.
  • Respects the general rules and conditions of IPA, namely: consultants must process orders based on a signed contract from IPA and accept payment after services delivery, by bank transfer.
  • Issuing for every payment EBM invoice and provide proof of filling (declaration) of Income tax (for the firms), for the persons to accept the hold of 15% for the tax as stipulated by the low.
  • Willing to accept to be paid for the consumed services in not more than 15 days after delivering a fully compliant invoice.

Technical proposals shall include the following:


Rwanda has experienced tremendous social and structural transformation over the last two decades. The country has enjoyed a sustained period of high economic growth rates of more than 7 percent that have occasioned broad improvements in wellbeing including a two-thirds reduction in child mortality, a more than 75 percent fall in maternal mortality and near universal primary school enrollment. Despite a substantive reduction in the poverty rate, from a high of 77 percent in 2001, the poverty rate remains high in Rwanda at about 38 percent (NISR EICV 5, 2018). As part of its poverty reduction efforts, the government undertook a major local government reform starting in 2002 with the goal of improving service delivery at the grassroots (Faguet 2004; Gaynor 2014).

Over the last 30 years, community based/driven development (CDD) programs have been implemented to address the management of public goods and service provision in poorly served and usually remote local communities. Recent evidence from credible program evaluations of a number of CDD programs is mixed (Mansuri and Rao 2013). While there are some impressive gains in local public goods, consumption and participation in challenging environments, there are just as many null, small and occasionally negative effects in others (Casey 2018). Most important, there has been very limited success in the domain of active and constructive community member participation in local government – both within communities and especially with the hierarchy of authorities beyond the community responsible for delivering key inputs and services (Olken and Pande, 2013). With the exception of Bjorkman and Svensson (2009), and despite high levels of measured trust (Casey 2018), CDD programs appear unable to appreciably increase community driven accountability pressure.

The qualitative research outlined in this ToR aims to support a comprehensive evaluation of an innovative CDD approach that SPARK MICROGRANTS has implemented since 2010 in Burundi, Ghana, Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda and Rwanda. The program in Rwanda, Advancing Citizen Engagement (ACE), relies on a facilitated collective action process (FCAP) that includes four crucial ingredients:

  1. The selection and training of a considerable number of leaders from under-represented groups in the community including women and youth. A total of between 8 and 20 leaders are selected and trained to serve in various capacities: on a community village council to administer the overall project; administer the community savings account; manage the implementation pathway selected; and represent the community at the inter-community meetings to discuss project implementation. Leaders are trained in decision-making, record keeping and the monitoring tools to select, budget and track progress for chosen projects.
  1. FCAP is an intensive treatment lasting more than 18 months of active facilitation, followed by 12-18 months of declining intensity of facilitation. The current program starts with consensus building and partnership formation in the first six months, followed by six- eight months of proposal development, and declining facilitation during the 18-20 months of implementation and follow up. FCAP provides three important inputs potentially critical to local government.


  1. community consensus around a vision, priorities/goals and implementation paths;
  2. the establishment of norms related to accountability, transparency, monitoring and saving;
  3. information about, and encouragement to seek support from external actors, including public officials, organizations where necessary.
  4. FCAP is delivered by two young and competent community members, inyenyeri. Facilitators are trained and supervised by Social Economic Development Officers (SEDOs), employees of the district government tasked with the responsibility to support development activities in the communities.
  5. A moderate to large grant from SPARK of about $8,000 that provides a training platform on which to deepen norms and shift beliefs about future collective engagements. This grant is paid out over three to four installments, depending on the priorities selected by the community.

Objectives of Qualitative Research Component:

  1. To generate a rich description of citizen engagement and community development in Burera, Gakenke, Gicumbi, Rulindo, and Huye Districts.
  2. To identify the key factors that contribute to the success or failure of citizen engagement and collective action in the selected communities.
  3. To explore the sustainability of active citizen engagement norms and collective action in the communities above.

Scope of Qualitative Research:

The study will use qualitative research methods to elicit answers to the questions laid out above. The study will draw on focus group and key informant interviews from 8 communities randomly selected from a study population of about 150 communities. We anticipate a study duration of 1 month, including field activities, analysis and competition of qualitative study report.


  1. Research Design: The study will use a qualitative research design, employing methods such as in-depth interviews and focus group discussions.
  2. Sampling Strategy: A purposive sampling technique will be used to select focus group participants with varying degrees of participation in community initiatives. Other key informants will be selected based on their involvement in the community members including the SEDO, village head and the coordinators community-led initiatives (including the inyenyeri).
  3. Data Collection: Data will be collected through in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, and participant observation. The interviews and focus groups will be conducted in the local language and will be audio-recorded with the participants’ consent. The data collected through participant observation will be recorded in field notes.
  4. Data Analysis: The data collected through interviews, focus group discussions, and participant observation will be analyzed using thematic analysis. The data will be transcribed and coded for themes and patterns, which will be further analyzed to draw conclusions.


  1. A final report that includes an executive summary, background, objectives, methodology, analysis, and conclusions.
  2. Raw data in the form of transcripts, recordings, or notes, as applicable.


The budget for the study will include expenses related to research design, data collection, data analysis, and report writing.

Ethical Considerations: The study will adhere to ethical guidelines for research involving human subjects. All participants will be provided with informed consent forms in their local language, and their privacy and confidentiality will be protected. The study will also ensure the protection of vulnerable groups, such as children and marginalized populations.

Evaluation: The study will be evaluated based on its ability to meet its objectives, produce high-quality research, and provide valuable insights into the impact of Spark Microgrants on community development.

Stakeholders: The stakeholders involved in the study will include Spark Microgrants staff, community members, and relevant government officials.


  1. Research design and methodology: 21 October 2024
  2. Data collection: 11 November 2024 to 16 November 2024
  3. Data analysis: 18 November 2024 to 23 November 2024
  4. Report writing: 25 November 2024 to 30 November 2024

Provide a list and certificate of completion of at least five (5) recent awards of similar scope and duration. The information shall be supplied as a table (template provided in Attachments), and shall include the legal name and address of the organization for which services were performed, a description of work performed, the duration of the work and the value of the contract, description of any problems encountered and how it was resolved, and a current contact phone number of a responsible and knowledgeable representative of the organization. See Attachments.

Services Specified

For this RFP, IPA is in need of the services described in Attachment: Scope of Work.

Instructions for the Preparation of Cost/Price Proposals

Cost/Price Proposals

Provided in the Attachments section of this RFP is a template for the Price Schedule for firm-fixed price awards . For cost-reimbursable or time & material awards, the offeror shall provide a fully detailed budget. Offerors shall complete the template including as much detailed information as possible. Any required payment terms must be included in the cost proposal.

It is important to note that Value Added Tax (VAT) shall be included on a separate line. The Subcontractor is responsible for all applicable taxes and fees, as prescribed under the applicable laws for income, compensation, permits, licenses, and other taxes and fees due as required.

Basis of Award

Evaluation Criteria

Each proposal will be evaluated and scored against the evaluation criteria and evaluation sub-criteria, which are stated in the table below.

Evaluation criteria

Evaluation Sub-criteria (if needed)

Maximum Points

The evaluation of the eligibility and the conformity of the documents submitted as stated in article5.3 of this offer

assessment of the company profile, administration document, experience in domain as well as the duration for delivering needed services since the reception of official approval

50 points


The bidder must indicate both total prices including the taxes and excluding the taxes.

50 points

Total Points

100 points

  • Noncompliance with the requirement of the tender may lead to automatic disqualification from farther evaluation. In addition, if any bidders do not prove they are legally compliant they will be disqualified from farther evaluation.
  • Any attempt to contact IPA or an IPA staff member to attempt to influence the outcome of the tender will not be accepted and will lead to automatic disqualification from further evaluation.
  • All supplies indicated in the tender document will be covered by the unity price as given by the bidder.

Best Value Determination

IPA will review all proposals and make an award based on the eligibility and cost evaluation criteria stated above and select the offeror whose proposal provides the best value to IPA. IPA may also exclude an offer from consideration if it determines that an Offeror is “not responsible”, i.e., that it does not have the management and financial capabilities required to perform the work required.

IPA may award to an Offeror without discussions. Therefore, the initial offer must contain the Offeror’s best price with best past performance proof.

Responsibility Determination

IPA will not enter into any type of agreement with an Offeror prior to ensuring the Offeror’s responsibility. When assessing an Offeror’s responsibility, the following factors are taken into consideration:

  1. A Letter of Submission duly signed with full detailed address indicating Country, Province, Sector, Cell, Village, street, E-mail, post office box number and bank account details.
  2. Proof of similar previous consultancy
  3. Expertise and skills in conducting a qualitative survey.
  4. Understanding of social economic framework
  5. The consultancy firm/individual should prove to have a particular knowledge of the community-based research design.
  6. Extensive experience collaborating with NGOs, including coordinating projects, conducting research, delivering training, and carrying out monitoring and evaluation.
  7. Full working knowledge of English, including excellent drafting and presentation skills; knowledge of Kinyarwanda is required.
  8. The owner of a firm or individual consultant must have a Ph.D. with 5 years of relevant work experience and publications on community-based research.

The designated IPA staff will inspect from time to time the service requested to determine whether the activities are being performed in a satisfactory manner.

The subcontractor shall be responsible for any countermeasures or corrective action, within the scope of this RFP, which may be required by the IPA Deputy Country Director/Representative as a result of such inspection.

Compliance with Terms and Conditions

General Terms and Conditions

Offerors agree to comply with the general terms and conditions for an award resulting from this RFP. The selected Offeror shall comply with all Terms and Conditions listed in the accompanying Attachment.

Procurement Ethics

Neither payment nor preference shall be made by either the Offeror, or by any IPA staff, in an attempt to affect the results of the award. IPA treats all reports of possible fraud/abuse very seriously. Acts of fraud or corruption will not be tolerated, and IPA employees and/or subcontractors/grantees/vendors who engage in such activities will face serious consequences. Any such practice constitutes an unethical, illegal, and corrupt practice and either the Offeror or the IPA staff may report violations to the Toll-Free Ethics and Compliance Anonymous Hotline at +1 844 837 5445. IPA ensures anonymity and an unbiased, serious review and treatment of the information provided. Such practice may result in the cancellation of the procurement and disqualification of the Offeror’s participation in this, and future, procurements.

By submitting an offeror, Offerors certify that they have not/will not attempt to bribe or make any payments to IPA employees in return for preference, nor have any payments with Terrorists, or groups supporting Terrorists, been attempted.


Scope of work and Services or Technical Specifications

In order to achieve our Vision and mission through the execution of our strategic plans of two main goals:

  1. Create more high-quality evidence that answers questions of immediate importance to decision makers on the front line of development, and
  2. Promote the use of better, evidence-based programs and policies, leading to improved opportunities for millions living in poverty, the following will be observed:
  3. The service order shall outline a clear scope of work and delivery timelines and Service provider shall ensure all translated material maintains the integrity of the

Proposal Cover Letter

[On Firm’s Letterhead]

<Insert date>

TO: Innovations for Poverty Action

Plot 1123, KK23/KK387, Kicukiro(IPA Rwanda office map).

We, the undersigned, provide the attached proposal in accordance with RFP No. 001/04/2024 , issued on September 30, 2024. Our attached proposal is for the total price of (Sum in Words).

I certify a validity period of 6 month for the prices provided in the attached Price Schedule/Bill of Quantities. Our proposal shall be binding upon us subject to the modifications resulting from any discussions.

We understand that IPA is not bound to accept any proposal it receives.

Yours sincerely,

Authorized Signature:

Name and Title of Signatory: Click here to enter text.

Name of Firm: Click here to enter text.

Address: Click here to enter text.

Telephone: Click here to enter text.

Email: Click here to enter text.

Company Seal/Stamp:

8.3 Price Schedule



Unity Price

Total in (FRW)


Research design


Data collection


Data analysis,


Report writing.

Suggested Payment terms:

Past Performance Form

Include projects that best illustrate your work experience relevant to this RFP, sorted by decreasing order of completion date.

Projects should have been undertaken in the past three years. Projects undertaken in the past six years may be taken into consideration at the discretion of the evaluation committee.


Description of Activities


Name/Tel No/ email address




Completed on schedule


Completion Letter Received?


Type of Agreement (fixed price, cost reimbursable)






Terms and Conditions

  1. The Request for Proposal is not and shall not be considered an offer by IPA.
  2. All responses must be received on or before the date and time indicated on the RFP.
  3. All proposals will be considered binding offers. Prices proposed must be valid for entire period provided by respondent.
  4. All awards will be subject to IPA contractual terms and conditions and contingent on the availability of donor funding.
  5. IPA reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal or cancel the solicitation process at any time and shall have no liability to the proposing organizations submitting proposals for such rejection or cancellation of the request for proposals.
  6. IPA reserves the right to accept all or part of the proposal when award is provided.
  7. All information provided by IPA in this RFP is offered in good faith. Individual items are subject to change at any time, and all bidders will be provided with notification of any changes. IPA is not responsible or liable for any use of the information submitted by bidders or for any claims asserted therefrom.
  8. IPA reserves the right to require any bidder to enter into a non-disclosure agreement.
  9. The bidders are solely obligated to pay for any costs, of any kind whatsoever, which may be incurred by bidder or any third parties, in connection with the Response. All responses and supporting documentation shall become the property of IPA, subject to claims of confidentiality in respect of the response and supporting documentation, which have been clearly marked confidential by the bidder.

Done at Kigali on September 30, 2024

IPA Rwanda

