For over 35 years in 100 countries, we’ve partnered with local communities to make sure health workers are present where they’re needed most, ready to do the job, connected to the technology they need, and safe to do their very best work.



Notice is hereby given to the general public, partners and collaborators that IntraHealth International will be closing its activities in the Republic of Rwanda by November 30, 2024, due to unforeseen circumstances. Over the past 25 years, IntraHealth has partnered with the government of Rwanda through the Ministry of Health and other health sector partners to strengthen the capacity of health providers to deliver quality integrated health services; while ensuring they are connected to the technologies they need, and safe to do their very best work. Our programs have been designed with a deep understanding of and appreciation for the Rwandan context, gender equality, economic empowerment, and changing population needs.

For the past three years, IntraHealth International has been implementing the USAID-funded Momentum Safe Surgery in Family Planning and Obstetric (MSSFPO) Activity in 20 districts in Rwanda. This five-year global cooperative agreement aims to increase the capacity of host country institutions and local organizations to strengthen surgical safety within maternal health and family planning programs by promoting evidence-based approaches and testing new innovations. Through this project, IntraHealth International has been supporting the Government of Rwanda to accelerate reductions in maternal and newborn mortality and morbidity by increasing the capacity of the Rwandan health system to introduce, deliver, scale-up, and sustain the use of evidence-based, high-quality interventions for the provision of safe emergency surgical obstetric services, including caesarian delivery and hysterectomy, and difficult removal of long-acting reversible contraceptives. This project will be closing in Rwanda on November 30, 2024. Consequently, IntraHealth International’s office in Rwanda will be closing at the same time. This notice is to inform partners, collaborators and the general public of the impending closure of IntraHealth International’s activities and office in Rwanda. Any partners with outstanding or unsettled businesses are advised to contact the Country Representative for prompt resolution before October 31, 2024. Beyond this date, IntraHealth International will not be liable for any unresolved matter. We take this opportunity to thank the government of Rwanda, partners and communities we served for their partnership and friendship that have been the bedrock of IntraHealth International’s work and achievements in the country. For any inquiries, please contact the Country Representative at +250788752698 or by email:

Kigali, September 3, 2024

Rosine Bigirimana

Country Representative/ IntraHealth International