
Provision of Consultancy Services to Hire a Managing Director for Kirehe Rice Company (KRC) Ltd


KIREHE RICE COMPANY Ltd (KRC Ltd), is a private owned company registered on 17/04/

2012, with share capital of Five hundred thirty six million six hundred eighty five thousand Rwandan Francs (Frw 536,685,000), totally contributed by the Government of Rwanda (GoR).

Under the privatization policy of GoR, ENAS Ltd acquired 55% of the shares and GoR retained 30%, while COOPRIKI- Cyunuzi took 10%, ISABANE acquired 2%, MUSHIKIRI received 2%, and CORIMU obtained 1% of the shares. Government shares in KRC Ltd were later transferred to Agaciro Development Fund (AgDF) for management and ownership.

At its establishment KRC Ltd objectives were Managing Kirehe Rice Mill; Supporting Kirehe District rice Cooperatives so as to produce rice that will satisfy domestic market; and carrying on any other activity that is beneficial to the company and permissible under the laws of the Rwandan Republic.

The daily management of the company is the responsibility of the Managing Director under supervision of the Board of Directors. KRC has established policies and procedures, a guiding strategic plan, and a dedicated team of staff. The board of directors wish to recruit a consultancy firm to hire a managing director to lead the team of staff.

Objective of the Consultancy

  • The overall objective of this consultancy is to hire a highly competent and experienced Managing Director for Kirehe Rice Company (KRC) Ltd.

Scope of work and expected outputs

  • Review available documentation andestablish the roles and responsibilities of the Managing Director
  • Review available documentations and establish the attributes of the person for the position of the Managing Director
  • Establish the reporting requirements for the managing Director and establish the means that the Managing Director requires to perform the responsibilities
  • Discuss the terms of services for the Managing Director with management, the board of directors and shareholders
  • Establish the items that comprise an application for the position of the Managing Director of KRC as approved by the board of directors
  • Write an invitation of applications to circulate and publish according to the rules, laws, and norms of best practice
  • Collect the applications and develop a short list of the candidates with the collaboration of acting MD
  • Prepare the written examination for the shortlisted candidates
  • Organize, and invigilate the written examination
  • Mark the examination, score candidates and develop a list of the finalist candidates
  • Support the board of directors to Organize an oral interview of the 3 finalist candidates
  • Write a report on the recruitment process

The Consultant will ensure the KRC Board of Directors and the acting managing Director understand and own the recruitment process and its outputs;

The draft and final reports shall be written in English in a clear and concise style of writing IV. Time frame

The consultancy should be completed within 20 calendar days from the contract signing date.

Profile of the Consultancy firm

The Consultancy firm submitting for this particular consultancy should possess the following requirements:

  • The consulting firm should be dully registered in Rwanda as a company by relevant authorities with at least 5 years of experience in recruitment advisory and implementation
  • They will be required to present the certificates of completion for similar services rendered elsewhere in Rwanda
  • The Lead Consultant should have a relevant university degree in Business Administration, Human Resources Management, and economics, or equivalent with minimum professional experience of at least 5 years. Prior experience in working with Rice Processing company will be of added value.

Specific knowledge, skills, and competencies

  • Excellent communications and relationship-building skills;
  • Understand the context of Rice milling companies in Rwanda will be an added advantage;
  • Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and French.
  • Knowledge of Rwanda and Rwanda’s laws on labor would be an asset.
  • Ability to work efficiently and deliver on committed outputs under the assignment within agreed timelines and deadlines.

Application procedure

Proposals (both Technical and Financial) should be submitted electronically on not later than 23.59 Hrs of 20thSeptember 2024. Late bids will be rejected.

The total amount quoted shall be all-inclusive and include all costs components required to perform the deliverables, including professional fee, and any other applicable cost to be incurred by the consultant in completing the assignment. The contract price will be a fixed output-based price regardless of extension of the herein specified duration.

