The Rwanda Girl Guides Association (AGR) is a non-profit organization operating in Rwanda since 1980. It is a voluntary girl-serving organization dedicated to girls and young women. We offer a wide range of non-formal educational programmes and activities,  encouraging girls and young women to develop their own special personalities, make a contribution to their community, and form friendships in a positive environment.



Title: Provision of Transport Services

Client : Association des Guides du Rwanda

 Association des Guides du Rwanda (AGR) is a national non-governmental organization with the aim of enabling girls and young women to acquire skills leading to their development and autonomy and to become agents of positive change as responsible citizens.

AGR hereby invites national eligible bidders for the provision of transport services to submit their bids.

Tender Documents may be obtained on any working day from 09th September 2024, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm at AGR Headquarters, KK 39 Ave, No. 34, Gikondo in the Secretariat Office, upon presentation of a proof payment of a nonrefundable fee of ten thousand Rwandan Francs (10,000Frw) deposited to Account N°00040-06933755-40 opened at Bank of Kigali (BK) under the name of Association des Guides du Rwanda

Well printed bids written in French or English language, addressed to the Chief Commissioner of Association des Guides du Rwanda, P.O Box 76 Kigali, properly filled and presented in three copies of which, one is original and two copies, in sealed envelopes marked “Provision of Transport Services” will be submitted to the office Reception not later than 21st September 2024 at 10:30 am.

Bids will be opened at AGR on 21st September 2024 at 4:00 pm in the presence of bidders or their representatives .


Marie Louise UWAMWEZI

Chief Commissioner