Management Sciences for Health (MSH), a global health nonprofit organization, uses proven approaches developed over 40 years to help leaders, health managers, and communities in developing nations build stronger health systems for greater health impact. We work to save lives by closing the gap between knowledge and action in public health. Since its founding in 1971, MSH has worked in over 150 countries with policymakers, health professionals, and health care consumers to improve the quality, availability, and affordability of health services. Working with governments, donors, non-governmental organizations, the private sector, and health agencies, MSH responds to priority health problems such as HIV & AIDS; tuberculosis; malaria; maternal, newborn and child health; family planning and reproductive health; and chronic non-communicable diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and lung and heart disease. Through strengthening capacity, investing in health systems innovation, building the evidence base, and advocating for sound public health policy, MSH is committed to making a lasting difference in global health.



Management Sciences for Health (MSH) is a global nonprofit advisory organization that provides governments, health organizations, and the private sector with the strategies, tools, and management support to effectively and efficiently deliver high-functioning health systems. MSH Rwanda is implementing the Health System Strengthening Project (HSS Next) and the Medicines, Technologies, and Pharmaceutical Services (MTaPS) Program, both funded by USAID. MSH Rwanda is looking for a reputable Health Insurance Service Provider to provide medical insurance cover to its employees. The medical insurance provider should be able to cover inpatient, outpatient, medical referrals, and emergency services 24/7 and can institute a “card system” with which medical facilities can provide services to its staff and their dependents without requiring pre-approvals from the medical insurance company.MSH invites you to submit an offer in accordance with the requirements of the following Request for Proposal (RFP) and must be received by MSH no later than the Date and Time indicated in the table below.

Issue Date:

September 5, 2024

Due Date and Time for Written Questions:

September 10, 2024, 3:00 pm, Rwanda Time.

Proposal Due Date and Time:

September 12, 2024, 4:00 pm Rwanda Time.

Written questions should be submitted via email to:

Email to submit questions is different from email of submission proposal pay a close attention!

Submission of Proposal via email:

If any company or individual submitting an offer in response to this RFP is found to have offered anything of value to any member of MSH staff, they will be disqualified from participation in this procurement and may be disqualified for any future procurements with MSH. MSH staff are instructed not to request or accept anything of value from companies or individuals receiving RFP If an MSH representative asks you for any kind of incentive payment or other gift, please report it to the following email address:


Table of Contents


  1. Scope
  2. Deliverables
  3. Contract Term/Period of Performance
  4. Payment Terms



Contents of Proposals


  1. General Information
  2. Evaluation Criteria
  3. Determination of the Competitive Range and Contract Award
  4. Non-Profit Pricing
  5. Acceptance of Offer and Award
  6.  Cost of Proposal Preparation
  7. Validity of Offers




The selected service provider must have the capacity to cover the medical insurance for staff and their dependents in most or all health facilities nationwide and have contracts with many pharmacies across the country to facilitate timely access to medicines and other prescribed commodities.

Each application must provide:

  • Full details of what the cover provides.
  • Eligible benefits included in the in-patient cover.
  • Eligible benefits included in the outpatient cover.
  • Eligible benefits included in the maternity cover.
  • Eligible benefits included optical and dental cover.
  • Provider coverage.
  • Premium price.
  • General exclusion

The medical cover exclusions, where applicable, MUST be clearly stated outlining specific details of each excluded condition.


Schedule of benefits

  • (Treatment in the Hospital for Inpatient Care): Minimum Coverage – 100%
  • Emergency Services (Trips to Emergency Room): Minimum Coverage – 100%
  • Ambulance: Minimum Coverage – 100%
  • Outpatient Services: Minimum Coverage – 100%
  • Overseas Healthcare: East Africa community, India and other countries
  • Routine outpatient consultation.
  • ICU and Theatre charges.
  • Drugs/Medicines, Dressings and Internal Surgical appliances.
  • X-ray, Ultrasound, ECG, MRI and Computerized Tomography,
  • Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy.
  • Emergency Road Evacuation: minimum coverage -100 %.
  • Hospital accommodation (Standard Private).
  • Dental services (Routine dentistry includingprescribed dental care commodities, excluding dentures, braces crowns and bridges for cosmetic reasons).
  • Optical treatment including frames and glasses.
  • Pregnancy and childbirth comprising pre-natal treatments and examinations, post-natal treatments and examination, and new-born accommodation.
  • Caesarean Section.
  • HIV AIDS, Tuberculosis, and related ailments.
  • Pre-existing, chronic conditions covered up to the overall limit.
  • All generic drugs and specialties registered in Rwanda are covered as per the prescription.
  • Reconstructive surgery following an accident or following surgery for an eligible medical condition.
  • Abnormality, constitutional disability and malformation treatment for newborns.
  • Any medical treatment and drug prescribed by a graduated or registered Doctor, and which has been authorized by the Ministry of Health.
  • Surgeons, consultants, anesthetists, medical practitioners, fees.
  • Psychiatric treatment and psychology services.
  • Immunizations recommended by local authorities and/or the World Health Organization
  • prescribed physiotherapy.
  • Diagnostic tests and diagnostic imaging including CT and MRI Scans
  • Congenital malformation I Pre-term babies will be covered.
  • Pre-existing chronic conditions should be covered.
  • Covid-19 treatment
  • Health checkup once a year.
  • Circumcision services
  • Automatic addition for new staff on prorated premium
  • Automatic addition of newborn and spouse without any extra premium,
  • Refund for leaving staff on prorata basis.
  • Replacement of leavers with joiners without extra premium
  • Proposal for generic medicine/drugs alone shall be rejected
  • Hearing cover
  • Funeral Expense Cover
  • Hospital accommodation of accompanying parent/ guardian for hospitalized minors (state age limit)
  • Psychiatry hospitalization cases coverage
  • Vaccination
  • Family planning
  • Provide a consumption report whenever required.
  • Any other benefit available

Contract Term/Period of Performance

The term of the contract issued as result of this solicitation shall be for the period from October1, 2024 to September 30, 2025.

 Payment Terms

Payment terms for the contract issued as a result of this tender shall be Net 30 days after receipt of an invoice. Payment to the selected offeror for services rendered shall be made via EFT to the bank account provided by the offeror. MSH is willing to consider any offeror’s proposed method of billing for services, including frequency of payments, provided that the proposed method does not include advance payment.


To be selected for award the offer must possess and provide the following:

  1. Offerors must be legally and professionally qualified to provide the services for employees in Rwanda.
  2. Company Profile detailing complete vendor information, including Vendor’s physical address, full legal name, copy of company registration document.
  3. Valid tax registration certificate from Rwanda Revenue Authority.
  4. Valid clearance from RSSB.
  5. Valid RRA tax clearance and proof of EBM
  6. RDB registration certificate
  7. BNR License
  8. Proof of financial sustainability and proof that the insurance has a re-insurance contract at international level
  9. References from three (3) former or current clients within the past two years. preferably INGOs.
  10. Technical approach methodology, approach and resources that will be deployed to meet the requirements of the scope of work.
  11. Team composition and roles, including a single point of contact that accepts responsibility for the engagement.
  12. Cost proposal detailing the pricing proposed, methodology aligned with the technical approach and rates as applicable.

Best-offer proposals are requested. Award will be made to a successful bidder submitting the proposal deemed to offer the highest quality services and best value. MSH reserves the right to conduct negotiations and/or request clarifications prior to awarding a contract.

The successful firm will be informed of their selection.

No employee is authorized to negotiate or promise work on behalf of MSH. Selected vendors will have an official Contract/Purchase Order with MSH which should be duly signed by an authorized signatory.


Proposal Due Date and Time:

September 12, 2024, 4:00pm Rwanda Time.

 Proposals should be submitted via email to:

 Contents of Proposals

Offerors shall submit their proposals as two separate files. One shall be titled Technical Proposal and the other shall be titled Cost Proposal.

Technical Proposal

Offerors Technical Proposal shall include the following:

  1. Completed & signed Attachment A – Proposal Cover Sheet
  2. Statement indicating any objections to MSH’s Standard Terms and Conditions of Supply viewable at that would need to be settled in order for the offer to accept a contract from MSH.
  3. Name & contact information for at least 3 current or previous clients that can serve as references for the offeror.
  4. Proof of financial sustainability and proof that the insurance has a re-insurance contract at international level
  5. A one-page service provider’s understanding of the ToRs

A very detailed list of benefits in the health insurance offer as captured under Section B above. Each application must provide:

  • Full details of what the cover provides.
  • Eligible benefits included in the in-patient cover.
  • Eligible benefits included in the outpatient cover.
  • Eligible benefits included in the maternity cover.
  • Eligible benefits included optical and dental cover.
  • Provider coverage.
  • Premium price.
  • General exclusion.

Note: The medical cover exclusions, where applicable, MUST be clearly stated outlining specific details of each excluded condition.

Cost Proposal

Offerors Cost Proposal shall include all the following:

  • Premium per staff member including legal dependents.
  • Prices quoted should be inclusive of all taxes and in Rwandan francs.

The validity of the offer.

The Offeror is required to submit cost proposal on Two options as indicated below:


  • Rwanda Country wide, all Health Partner
  • EAC wide access to all your service providers
  • INDIA on referral for cases not treatable in the region
  • Elsewhere


  • Rwanda Country wide, all Health Partner
  • EAC wide access to all your service providers.
  • INDIA on referral for cases not treatable in the region
  • Or elsewhere

Estimated number of staff and dependents






Current number of staff to be covered (with possible increase)



Current number of legal dependents (approximate number)


Note: Failure to provide any of the information requested above will result in rejection of the proposal.


General Information

MSH anticipates receiving at least one round of questions from potential vendors; however, MSH reserves the right to award a contract without discussions.

Each offer submitted will be reviewed by an evaluation committee consisting of MSH employees in accordance with the criteria below and the award will be made to the responsible vendor whose offer represents the best overall value to MSH.

Evaluation Criteria  

Award will be made to the offeror whose proposal, conforming to the solicitation, is determined to offer the best value to MSH.  Offers will be evaluated as follows:



Overall responsiveness to the RFP: Possession and submission of all “Required Qualifications” listed above.


Benefit coverage and responsiveness to benefits listed in the TOR.

Ability to meet the scope of work/specifications as detailed in the TOR: Vendor should comment on their ability to provide the required benefit coverage and, ensure to list any items they do not feel they would be able to offer and any additional benefits they can provide beyond the scope of work


Evidence of at least three (3) past performance or previous jobs done, as well as reference letters from at least three (3) references (Preferably INGOs)


Financial offer

Cost proposal: Explain in detail how costs are calculated and what MSH is expected to pay for the services provided, and ensure they align with the Scope of the services




Determination of the Competitive Range and Contract Award

If MSH determines that discussions are necessary, a Competitive Range will be established which is composed of only the most highly rated offers.  MSH may exclude an offer if it is so deficient as to essentially require a new proposal.  Should a competitive range be established, MSH may invite those in the competitive range to present their offers to the evaluation team.  Should oral presentations occur, they will be evaluated as part of the offer.

Non-Profit Pricing

MSH is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.  Offerors should provide all discounts available to MSH based on its status as a U.S. Government contractor and as a non-profit.

Acceptance of Offer and Award

This RFQ is non-binding and in no way obligates MSH to award any contract. MSH reserves the right to make an award in whole or in part, or not to make an award, in accordance with the best interests of MSH.  Firm commitment to purchase is not established until a written order/contract is issued by MSH.

Cost of Proposal Preparation

The cost of the proposal preparation in response to this solicitation shall be solely the responsibility of the Offeror.

Validity of Offers

Offers submitted in response to this solicitation shall be valid for at least 90 days from date of submission. Prices quoted by the offeror and subsequently incorporated in contract resulting from this solicitation shall be valid for the full period of performance.


Vendor’s full legal name

Headquarters address

Location(s) of any additional offices

Website address

Vendor’s Ownership

Length of time in business

Contact information for individual who will serve as MSH’s single point of contact for the duration of the RFP Process




By signing below, I certify that:

A. I am authorized to respond to this solicitation on behalf of the Company named above.  

B. I have reviewed MSH’s Standard Terms and Conditions of Supply viewable at and understand that these terms shall govern any contract, unless otherwise negotiated with MSH and agreed to in writing.

C. I understand that MSH retains the right to reject, in whole or in part, any and all bids for any reason, or no reason.

D. I have not, and will not, offered anything of value to any member of MSH staff & understand that if my company is found to have offered anything of value to any member of MSH staff, they will be disqualified from participation in this procurement and may be disqualified for any future procurements with MSH.






The Goods / Services being solicited are unrelated to networking, communication, or surveillance devices of

 the type described under Section 889 of the FY19 National Defense Authorization Act (such as catering,

office supplies, cleaning services, vehicle rentals and hotels) and do not directly relate to performance of a government contract.


The Goods / Services being solicited are related to networking, communication, or surveillance devices of the type described under Section 889 of the FY19 National Defense Authorization Act or directly relate to performance of a Government contract. Please read, complete and sign the form below and include it in your response.

 Background and Requirements of Section 889 of the FY19 National Defense Authorization Act

Section 889 of the John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019 (Pub. L. No. 115-232) places restrictions on U.S. Government’s ability to contract with entities that provide or use certain Chinese telecommunications equipment or services based on U.S. national security concerns.

Covered telecommunications equipment or services are defined as all telecommunications equipment or services produced or provided by Huawei Technologies Company or ZTE Corporation, and video surveillance and telecommunications equipment or services produced or provided by Hytera Communications Corporation, Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Company, or Dahua Technology Company, or any subsidiaries or affiliates of those entities.

This prohibition applies to all U.S. Government contractors, domestic and international, even if that company is not specifically selling telecommunications equipment or services to the U.S. Government.  As a prime contractor, Management Sciences for Health (MSH) is prohibited from providing any telecommunications equipment or services under any prime contracts or subcontracts to the U.S. Government and from using any telecommunications equipment or services under Section 889. MSH must conduct a reasonable inquiry of the suppliers and service providers that provide telecommunications equipment and services to MSH, regardless of whether that equipment or service is used by MSH as part of its work for the U.S. Government.

Accordingly, MSH is seeking information in certain cases as to the source of supply of telecommunications equipment and services provided to MSH by its subcontractors, suppliers, and vendors.


