SMART Africa is a bold and innovative commitment from African Heads of State and Government to accelerate sustainable socio-economic development on the continent, ushering Africa into a knowledge economy through affordable access to Broadband and usage of Information and Communications Technologies.



Request for proposals (RFP) for the Recruitment of a Consulting Firm for the Development of a Pan- African Women and Girls Gender Impact Assessment Framework

Client Address

Smart Africa Secretariat

10th Floor, Career Centre Building

KG 541 ST, Kigali, Rwanda,

PO Box: 4913

Tel: +250784013646| +250 788-300-581




Release date:

12th June 2024

Closing date:

12th July 2024; 5pm (Local time, Kigali)




For any questions or enquiries, please write to:

For Proposal Submissions:


1.1 About Smart Africa Alliance

The Smart Africa Alliance is a bold and innovative commitment from African Heads of State and Government to accelerate sustainable socio-economic development on the African continent with the vision to transform Africa into a Single Digital Market by 2030. Its 5-point manifesto seeks; to put ICT (Information and Communication Technology) at the centre of national socio-economic development agenda, to improve access to ICT especially Broadband, to improve accountability, efficiency, and openness through ICT, to put the Private Sector First and to leverage ICT to promote sustainable development.

As of May 2024, The Smart Africa Alliance membership included 40 Member States, International partner organizations including the Africa Union Commission (AUC) and International Telecommunications Union (ITU) among others, as well as International Private Sector Members. The Smart Africa Secretariat (SAS) is based in Kigali, Rwanda[1].

1.2 Project Background

Technology, particularly Information and Communications Technology (ICT), has become a cornerstone of economic growth worldwide, with many nations identifying the ICT industry as a key sector for rapid economic advancement. Africa is no exception; many governments acknowledging the transformative power of ICTs in creating new economic and employment opportunities. However, despite the potential benefits, a significant digital divide persists, particularly concerning gender disparities in access and utilization of ICT technology. This divide is marked by stark social and economic inequalities, with women and girls in sub-Saharan Africa facing significant barriers accessing and benefiting from ICTs.

While ICT services have become more affordable and mobile broadband coverage has expanded, nearly 4 billion people[2] globally still lack access to technologies like the internet. A discernible gender gap exists in Africa’s digital landscape, particularly regarding the underrepresentation of women both directly engaged in ICT and those incorporating ICT technology in their everyday activities. The 2018 African After Access uncovered striking gender disparities in internet access across 20 Global South countries, with particular challenges evident in the African context. The survey estimated a 125% gap in internet access between women in urban and rural areas in these countries with some African Nations exhibiting gaps exceeding 150%4, accentuating the pronounced digital divide within the continent. Evidence from the demand side suggests that the primary barrier to internet access in Africa is the cost of smart devices, while the main constraint on usage is the price of data5.

The gender digital divide extends across sectors such as AgriTech, FinTech, EdTech and entrepreneurship. Women involved in these fields face challenges in accessing and adopting ICT technology, hindering their active participation in digital activities. On the same streak, women entrepreneurs in technology-driven sectors encounter obstacles in funding and resource access, impeding the growth of women-founded startups.

However, governments across the continent and other players are driving efforts to bridge the digital gender divide through various interventions at the policy and programmatic level. For example, national gender policies, national ICT broadband plans and national ICT policies among others include sections that focus on women and girls’ participation in the digital economy. Despite these efforts, the gender gap in ICTs still persists. Compounded by the scarcity of sex-disaggregated data, gaining a clear picture of the interplay between gender, technology and socio-economic outcomes to close the gender gap is difficult.6

Smart Africa’s vision is to transform Africa into a Single Digital Market by driving Africa’s digital transformation agenda through an inclusive, bold and innovative multi-stakeholder approach. To achieve this ambitious goal, the Africa Smart Women and Girls in ICT Initiative was established after a series of multi-stakeholder consultations that began in 2016. This initiative is based on a collaborative effort among various stakeholders including government, business, academia, and civil society. The initiative tackles key issues related to the gender digital divide by incorporating existing programs and implementing a well-defined strategy. The Africa Smart Women and Girls Initiative identifies scalable projects at the local, national, and regional levels, identify barriers to their success, and propose a toolkit of programmatic, legislative, and policy actions to bridge the gender digital divide in Africa’s digital space.

1.3  Main Strategic Objectives of the Africa Smart Women and Girls in ICT

The overarching goal of the Africa Smart Women and Girls Initiative is to accelerate government efforts to develop systematic national plans to connect women and girls to technology through innovative partnerships. Many stakeholder consultations have revealed that it is important to leverage on current programs in Africa, using the Africa Smart Women and Girls platform. The aim is to scale up successful solutions as a demonstration of what is possible in Africa.

As a result, Smart Africa conducted an extensive landscape analysis focusing on the gender digital divide across 26 African countries. The analysis included an in-depth examination of the current status, a comprehensive SWOT analysis of the Gender Digital Divide (GDD) landscape, and an evaluation of interventions by governments, the private sector, academia, and civil society. A pivotal finding from this landscape analysis underscored the significant challenges associated with data availability and accessibility. There is a notable scarcity of gender-disaggregated data, coupled with issues of inaccessibility where data is available, and/or instances where the existing data is in unusable formats.

For most of these studied countries, the analysis revealed an absence of comprehensive plans or mechanisms to track, monitor, and evaluate the impact of various policy and programmatic interventions. This lack of systematic evaluation poses a considerable obstacle for governments in determining their interventions’ effectiveness. The absence of a structured assessment framework makes it difficult to identify successful interventions that can be scaled and discern strategies that have proven ineffective, requiring improvement.

Building upon the insights gained from the Smart Africa landscape analysis and recognizing the multifaceted challenges in the digital landscape, the Smart Women and Girls initiative recognizes the need for a structured evaluation approach to guide interventions effectively.

With support from Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD), Smart Africa is implementing a project titled Smart Africa Private Sector Development Through Digital Transformation in Africa. One of the major focuses of the project is the establishment of mechanisms to address the gender divide through the gender-inclusive technology development component of the project. This component seeks to establish frameworks and tools that will facilitate, and support women and girls’ active participation and meaningful engagement in the digital economy through equal and equitable access, the relevant digital skills, and adequate support to thrive in ICT and STEAM-related entrepreneurial activities.

The Gender Impact Assessment (GIA) framework is proposed as a tool designed to systematically evaluate and measure the impact of initiatives aimed at closing the digital gender divide across Africa with the following key objectives:

  1. Enhancing decision-making through a robust gender impact assessment framework that directly links outcomes to strategic decision-making based on quality, credible and verifiable data.
  2. Establishing well-resourced gender impact assessment systems supported by adequate human and financial resources, strong partnerships with clear linkages, interaction, coordination and collaboration mechanisms amongst the various players.
  3. Assessing regional variations in connectivity and infrastructure and identifying potential barriers and opportunities for women and girls in ICT, across geographic, gender and other divides through a more nuanced approach.
  4. Leveraging online tools for efficient, collaborative and seamless data collection and sharing and for increasing awareness through structured communication and dissemination strategies.

a. Request for Proposals (RFP) Objectives

General Objectives

The overall objective of this Request for Proposal is to select a consulting firm to provide technical assistance to the Smart Africa Secretariat on the development of a pan-African Smart Women and Girls in ICT Gender Impact Assessment Framework.

The outcomes of the Consulting will be guided by the Smart Women and Girls in ICT Working group, chaired by the lead country, to give overall strategic guidance with the support of the Smart Africa Secretariat.

RFP Specific Objectives

The mission of the consulting firm will specifically consist of developing the pan-African Women and Girls Gender Impact Assessment Framework (see Section 2 below).

The purpose of this document is to present the details of hiring a consulting firm to help achieve the stated objectives.


The Smart Women and Girls Initiative is creating a mechanism to monitor, track, and evaluate the African digital ecosystem from a gender perspective. By introducing this mechanism, the initiative aims to systematically address the scarcity of gender-disaggregated data and enhance data accessibility. The envisioned system will play a pivotal role in establishing coordination mechanisms and collation of stories (data) both in-country and across borders, providing real-time assessment of the effectiveness of various interventions undertaken by governments, the private sector, academia, and civil society.

 The objective extends beyond mere progress tracking to include the collation of valuable insights and optimization of initiatives, thereby fostering the acceleration of gender-inclusive digital transformation across the continent. In alignment with this imperative, the conceptualisation emphasizes the design of a multifaceted Gender Impact Assessment (GIA) mechanism, which plays a crucial role in shaping the initial phases of policy and program development. This mechanism spans various domains within the gender-technology ecosystem, employing a comprehensive approach to understand and address the complexities of the digital landscape.

Furthermore, the concept broadens its scope by introducing a multidimensional Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) mechanism. While GIA shapes the design phase, determining how policies and interventions may impact different genders, M&E ensures that the implemented interventions remain responsive and effective. M&E provides a continuous feedback loop, allowing for adjustments and enhancements to maximize impact. By integrating both GIA and M&E processes, the Smart Women and Girls in ICT Initiative establishes a comprehensive framework that not only addresses the immediate challenges but also sets the stage for sustained and impactful digital transformation, ensuring that interventions are not only responsive but also adaptive and enduring.

However, traditional M&E approaches may not adequately capture the nuances of gender dynamics within digital interventions. This is where the integration of gender equity monitoring and gender auditing tools adds depth and comprehensiveness to the M&E process.

Gender Equity Monitoring involves ongoing assessment of gender-specific outcomes in digital interventions. It allows stakeholders to track progress in promoting gender equity and identify areas where interventions may be falling short. Gender Auditing, on the other hand, systematically evaluates the extent to which gender equality is institutionalized in policies, programs, organizational structures, decision-making processes, and budgets7. Incorporating gender equity monitoring and gender auditing into the M&E system enhances decision-making and assists stakeholders to make informed choices about resource allocation, policy development, and program implementation, ensuring that interventions effectively address gender disparities in the digital domain.

Collectively, the GIA and M&E mechanisms play pivotal roles as indispensable tools in comprehending and addressing existing gender disparities within the digital domain. These assessments function as a cornerstone for our Gender Impact Assessment framework, providing a comprehensive understanding of the specific challenges encountered by women and girls in the digital landscape. Importantly, they serve as a vital baseline, offering nuanced insights that are instrumental in guiding strategic interventions. Beyond measuring progress, these assessments guide strategic decision-making, emphasizing our commitment to continuous improvement, adaptability, and the long-term success of gender-inclusive digital initiatives across Africa. This approach reflects the Smart Women and Girls’ dedication to creating lasting impact and fostering an increasingly equitable digital landscape.

2.1 The Scope and Objectives

The primary goal of the Gender Impact Assessment Framework is to create a dynamic and adaptive framework that enables stakeholders to monitor, track, audit and evaluate interventions promptly. By facilitating the measurement of impact and outcomes, this initiative aspires to offer actionable insights for scaling successful strategies and refining those that have proven less effective.

2.1.1 Project Specific Objectives

  1. Develop a comprehensive and multidimensional framework to systematically measure and evaluate the impact of women and girls in ICT interventions incorporating gender impact assessment, gender equity monitoring and gender auditing parameters by:
    1. Mapping stakeholders within the M&E gender-technology ecosystem and recognize key players and conducting a needs assessment of the various stakeholders through multiple approaches.
    2. Analysing the M&E landscape in Africa ensuring that the analysis cuts across the spectrum of advancement in M&E systems and covers the five regions of Africa identifying the gaps, opportunities and partnerships involved.
    3. Defining the scope and design the structure and parameters of a centralized platform for information, collaboration and resource-sharing among stakeholders.
    4. Including educational pathway monitoring as a core element within the digital skills development and participation in STEAM/ICT pillars of the SWG initiative.
    5. Developing strategies to ensure the overall success and sustainability of interventions including how to mobilise resources and optimize resource allocation.
    6. Suggesting collaboration mechanisms involving diverse organizations, including government entities, NGOs, private sectors, and academia, both within and across countries. This platform would coordinate collaborative data collection, sharing and reporting following standard protocols.
    7. Developing a comprehensive communication and dissemination strategy deliberately pointing out opportunities for women as policy and institutional points of reference.
  2. Develop a dynamic tool kit for countries to use in assessing ICT gender-related interventions.

2.2  Main Outcomes and Deliverables of the Assignment

  • Comprehensive Inception Report
  • Stakeholder Mapping Report: Document the results of the stakeholder mapping exercise, identifying key players within the gender-technology ecosystem and outlining potential collaboration opportunities.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Landscape Report: Prepare a comprehensive M&E landscape report detailing the current status of Monitoring and Evaluation practices in African states regarding gender-focused ICT interventions. This report will include an analysis of existing M&E frameworks, their implementation into ongoing projects, identification of gaps, challenges, and best practices.
  • Centralized Platform Prototype: A prototype of the centralized platform as a hub for information, collaboration, and resource-sharing. This prototype will demonstrate the functionality and features of the platform to facilitate stakeholder engagement and collaboration.
  • Dynamic Toolkit: A comprehensive toolkit for countries to use in assessing their gender-related interventions. This toolkit will include guidelines, tools, and resources to support the implementation of gender-inclusive digital transformation initiatives, tailored to the specific needs of member states
  • A final and approved Pan-AfricanGender Impact Assessment Framework: The primary deliverable is the Pan-African Gender Impact Assessment Framework document. This comprehensive document will outline the structure, principles, strategies, pathways and action plans for member states to implement gender impact assessment initiatives.


The mission shall be carried out according to these terms of reference and according to a contractual framework to be defined between the Smart Africa Secretariat and the consulting Firm.

The mission shall be carried out by the Consulting firm with support from the Lead country and the Project Working Group. The Project Working Group is composed of senior government officials in charge of gender in ICT initiatives of selected Smart Africa Member States and representatives of the Smart Africa Alliance Private Sector members and Partner Organizations.

The Smart Africa Secretariat will assist the Consulting Firm, as far as possible, in seeking contacts and authorizations related to the scope defined in this document. Nonetheless, the Consulting Firm is expected to submit a proposal which includes but is not limited to a detailed project plan and inception report.

It is expected that the Consulting firm’s work will be in line with the following methodology and rules:

  1. The Consulting firm will assume primary responsibility for drafting the expected deliverables, in both French and English. The working language for the Working Group will be both French and English to cater for the diverse membership of the secretariat.
  2. The Consulting firm shall engage Smart Africa Secretariat, the project working group members, and other selected stakeholders to discuss the roadmap for the Consultancy services leading to the creation of an approved Inception Report that clearly explains how the project objectives (2.1.1) will be achieved.
  3. The Consulting firm will work closely with the designated staff of Smart Africa and the Working Groups to carry out the task. The consulting firm will report to the Smart Africa Secretariat and the Working Group members, by participating in regular Working Group meetings (approximately once every two weeks) and by preparing the necessary meeting reports, slideshows, and summaries of documents.
  4. The Consulting firm shall Integrate existing international guidelines and recommendations.
  5. The Consulting firm shall review the existing draft concept note with specific emphasis on gender impact assessment and monitoring and evaluation gaps of the Smart Africa member states.
  6. The Consulting firm will write an interim draft version of each planned deliverable and provide a presentation of these interim deliverables at workshops to be organized by Smart Africa in both English and French. Every deliverable will be submitted to Working Group members and discussed during consultation and validation workshops. The Consulting firm will collect comments on each interim deliverable and make consequential revisions in the final version.
  7. Support and facilitation will be provided from the Smart Africa Secretariat for exchanges with countries and the collection of documents for the analysis of the existing situations.
  8. The Consulting firm shall organize and participate in consultation and feedback stakeholder workshops during the duration of the project and incorporate the stakeholders’ comments from the workshops as appropriate and prepare the final report.
  9. The Consulting firm will guarantee the confidentiality of information shared by the Smart Africa Secretariat, Smart Africa Member States and other stakeholders participating in the Working Groups and Workshops. Publication of content can only take place after validation by the Working Groups.
  10. The Consulting firm shall submit each deliverable in five (5) printed copies and all working documents in soft copies, editable files (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.), in both French and English.
  11. The Consulting firm shall be able to communicate with the Working Groups and Smart Africa Member States in both French and English and cover the costs for necessary translations of documents.
  12. The Consulting firm shall prepare an executive summary in PowerPoint format (both English and French) for the draft and final blueprint report
  13. The Consulting firm shall ensure the final documents are designed according to the branding guidelines of Smart Africa.

The selected Consulting firm must carry out the project within four (4) months from the date of signing the contract.

The indicative timetable is as follows:

Indicative Timeline



  • Kick- off meeting with project stakeholders – Smart Africa Secretariat, the project working group members and other selected stakeholders to discuss the roadmap for the Consulting services.
  • Start of the project and adoption of a schedule for the execution of the mission with the dates of the deliverables.

T0* + 2 weeks

  • An “Inception Report” and Project Workplan submitted to the Working Group and validated by the Smart Africa Secretariat.

The inception report shows detailed understanding of the assignment, approach, methodology and activities to be conducted indicating expectations of the Consulting services.

T0* + 4 weeks

  • African gender in ICT M&E landscape analysis report finalized.
  • Mapping of the gender in ICT M&E stakeholders conducted.
  • Public and private actors from the Smart Africa Alliance and the project working Group consulted.

T0* + 6 weeks

  • Consultative brainstorming workshops conducted to brainstorm the work on the framework structure and development. This workshop will also be an opportunity to present African gender in ICT M&E landscape analysis and mapping to the members of the Smart Africa Alliance and the Project Working Group.
  •  Report and minutes from the workshop shared.

T0* + 8 weeks

  • Prototype of the centralised information sharing hub developed (deliverable 2.2.4)
  • Dynamic Gender Impact Assessment toolkit developed (deliverable 2.2.5).

T0* + 12 weeks

  • Pan-African Gender Impact Assessment Framework developed (deliverable 2.2.6)

T0* + 14 weeks

Organize one (1) validation workshop to present the work on the GIA framework development. This workshop will also be an opportunity to present the first draft of the GIA framework to the members of the Smart Africa Alliance and the Project Working Group.

T0* + 16 weeks

  • Finalization of documents incorporating the recommendations and remarks of the validation workshop.
  • Submission of final copies of the GIA Framework (in design and layout of Smart Africa template)

T0*: Time when the contract is signed


Smart Africa is seeking to engage a consulting firm with extensive experience in developing gender impact assessment frameworks tailored to the African context. The selected firm should demonstrate a strong track record in gender-focused digital transformation initiatives, particularly those aimed at promoting gender equity and women’s empowerment through digital technologies across the continent.

The consulting firm must showcase prior work experience in developing frameworks that encompass a wide range of parameters, including gender impact assessment, gender equity monitoring, and gender auditing within ICT interventions. Evidence of three (3) similar assignments, preferably within African organizations and governments, should be provided, supported by recommendation letters of projects demonstrating expertise in gender-related initiatives and digital transformation.

 The Consulting firm should be able to satisfy the following criteria.

  1. Expertise in ICT Gender Analysis: Proven expertise in ICT gender analysis, gender mainstreaming, and developing gender-sensitive frameworks within the digital transformation space, with a strong understanding of African contexts and challenges.
  2. Socio-economic Background: Strong background in socio-economic analysis, with the ability to assess the impact of digital initiatives on gender equity & equality, women’s empowerment, and socio-economic development in African communities.
  3. Research and Data Analysis: Proficiency in qualitative and quantitative research methodologies, data analysis, and evidence-informed decision-making towards gender-responsive programming and policy formulation.
  4. Applicants must be legal entities or a joint venture. In the event of a joint venture, all the member parties are jointly and severally liable for the contractual clauses.
  5. Have a proven track record in Consulting work in Africa. The Consultant must have had experience in conducting similar Consulting work for other inter-governmental or regional organisations, multi-national companies, or non-governmental organisations in the region.
  6. Applicants must provide any document that the Smart Africa Secretariat may reasonably request, establishing to the satisfaction of Smart Africa being the Contracting Authority that they continue to be eligible to compete.
  7. The consulting firm should demonstrate familiarity with internationally recognized best practices and methodologies for digital economy, gender impact assessment, and M&E.
  8. Ability to work in an English and French environment.

The work shall be carried out by a team of at least (3) three highly qualified consultants/experts in the requested specialties, namely:

Lead Consultant/Head of Mission (Impact Assessment/M&E Specialist) with the minimum requirements below to be considered for the evaluation:

  • A minimum of a master’s degree in economics, social sciences, public policy, statistics, data science or a related field, providing a strong foundation in M&E methodologies and techniques.
  • At least 7 years of extensive experience specifically in gender impact assessment/monitoring and evaluation, with a proven track record of leading impact assessment and M&E activities for development projects, including gender-focused initiatives and ICT interventions.
  • Expertise in designing, implementing, and managing M&E systems using a variety of qualitative and quantitative methodologies, tools, and frameworks, tailored to assess the impact of gender-sensitive programs and ICT interventions.
  • Knowledge and experience in applying gender analysis frameworks and tools to M&E processes, ensuring that gender considerations are integrated into data collection, analysis, and reporting, although not necessarily a primary expertise.
    • Advanced skills in data analysis software, statistical analysis, and report writing, enabling the M&E expert to analyze complex data sets, generate actionable insights, and communicate findings to diverse stakeholders.
    • Experienced in leading and coordinating project teams comprising a range of expert profiles, ideally across national boundaries and in remote settings in the development of national gender digital transformation strategies.
    • Experienced in supporting the development of multi-stakeholder institutional frameworks and mechanisms in Africa.
  • Having participated in at least one (1) similar project in the last 5 years.
  • Experience working in Africa.
  • Languages: English and French

ICT Gender Studies Expert with the minimum requirements below to be considered for the evaluation:

  • A minimum of a master’s degree in gender studies, women’s studies, social sciences, international development, or a related field. Additional certifications or training in gender analysis, gender mainstreaming, or gender-responsive programming would be an advantage.
  • At least 5 years of experience in conducting research, analysis, and policy development on gender-related issues, with a focus on gender mainstreaming, women’s empowerment, and gender equality in ICT, digital development or related sectors. The candidate should have a track record of leading gender-sensitive initiatives, conducting gender assessments, and providing technical assistance on gender issues to government agencies, international organizations, or NGOs.
  • Strong analytical and research skills, including the ability to collect, analyze, and interpret gender-disaggregated data and information. Proficiency in gender analysis tools, methodologies, and frameworks is essential.
  • Experienced in supporting the development of multi-stakeholder institutional frameworks and mechanisms in Africa.
  • Experience working in Africa.
  • Having participated in at least one (1) similar project in the last 5 years.

Socio-Economic Development Expert with a focus on ICT with the minimum requirements below to be considered for the evaluation:

  • A University graduate with a minimum of a master’s degree in economics, ICT, Social Sciences and Project Management, or other related fields.
  • Having at least 5 years of professional experience in conducting socio-economic research, analysis, and impact assessments and programs, preferably with a focus on gender equity & equality, women’s empowerment, and ICT development
  • Have work experience in development of sustainable ICT projects in Africa, and in the member countries of the Smart Africa Alliance.
  • Excellent track record of strategy development on ICT Research and Development in Africa at both national and continental level.
  • Experience working in Africa.
  • Having participated in at least one (1) similar project in the last 5 years.

Additionally, a legal expert with in-depth knowledge of relevant legal frameworks, regulations, and standards governing ICT, data protection, including cybersecurity, and international human rights instruments and a storyteller will be an advantage


The evaluation method is Fixed budget approach. The following model will be used to evaluate all respondents and proposals submitted:

a. Technical Evaluation Criteria


Point Range

Approach, Methodology, and Work Plan

i. Relevance of the proposed approach and methodology for gender impact assessment in the African context and alignment with the objectives of the framework (35).

ii. Feasibility and comprehensiveness of the work plan (15).


Key Staff Experience

Lead Consultant, Head of Mission

i. Minimum of a master’s degree (2)

ii. At least 7 years of experience in Leading and Coordinating project teams. (3)

iii. Experience in regional GIA & M&E frameworks development. (3)

iv. Development of multi stakeholder frameworks (2)

v. Experience working in African countries. (3)

vi. Having participated in at least (1) one similar project in the last 5 years. (2)


ICT Gender Expert

i. Minimum of a master’s degree (2)

ii. At least 5 years of proven experience in conducting gender impact assessments in ICT and digital transformation projects. (2)

iii. Experience working with more than three African countries in gender-focused initiatives. (2)

iv. Experience working on gender-sensitive data and digital transformation strategy development in Africa at both national and continental level. (2)

v. Having participated in at least (1) one similar project in the last 5 years. (2)


Socio-Economic Development expert

i) Minimum of a master’s degree (2)

ii) At least 5 years of proven experience in design and implementation of national ICT related strategies. (3)

iii) Experience working with more than three African countries. (1)

iv) Experience working on strategy development on ICT Research and Development in Africa with a gender perspective at both national and continental level. (2)

v) Having participated in at least one similar project in the last 5 years. (2)


Firm Experience

Previous Related Assignments Recommendation Letters

Three (3) signed recommendation letters by right authority from previous clients of similar gender impact assessment initiatives, including assignments related to gender inclusion in ICT strategies.

i. 3 recommendations: (15)

ii. 2 recommendations: (10)

iii. 1 recommendation: (5)

iv. 0 recommendations: (0)


The financial proposal of only those firms which secure a minimum score of 80/100 in the technical evaluation will be opened.

St= Score for the Technical Evaluation

b. Financial Criteria

All bidders should note that the evaluation method is Fixed Budget Approach. The firm with the highest evaluated technical score among those bidders that achieved the minimum technical score 80% will be invited to negotiate the Contract.


A specific outline must be followed to facilitate the Smart Africa Secretariat’s review and evaluation of the responses received.

A response to this RFP must include the following sections in the order listed:

  1. A cover letter confirming the firm’s interest to provide the services required
  2. Mandatory Administrative documents
    • Company/Institution registration certificate
    • Tax clearance certificates
  3. A technical proposal containing the following content:
    • Executive summary
    • Business experience/Profiles
    • Approach and Methodology
    • Work Plan / Schedule
    • Mission team experience/profiles
    • Updated Curriculum Vitae for the team and academic certificates required
    • Firm recommendation letters of successful completion for similar past assignments, duly signed by right authority
  4. Financial Proposal containing the following tables.
    • Summary of Costs.
    • Breakdown of price per user group on daily rate;
    • Breakdown of remuneration user group on daily rate;
    • Reimbursable expenses user group applicable.
    • Miscellaneous Expenses if any


  • Indicate your preferred payment terms under financial proposal
  • A withholding tax of 15% will be deducted from payments for Firms not VAT-registered with Rwanda Tax Administration (RRA) and 18% VAT will be applicable for registered firms in Rwanda.
  • All Financial Proposals/offers should be password protected and Smart Africa will request for it for bidders who have been qualified in the technical evaluation
  • All Financial Offers should be quoted and submitted in USD Currency.

Soft copies of both Technical and financial proposals must be sent to: showing each the nature of the offer concerned (technical or financial offer), not later than 12th July 2024 at, 5:00 PM local time (Kigali), addressed to Procurement Office of Smart Africa Secretariat, with subject marked: 114/SA/RFP/05/2024:  Pan- African/Continental Women and Girls Gender Impact Assessment Framework.

  • This RFP does not obligate the Smart Africa Secretariat (SAS) to complete the RFP process.
  • SAS reserves the right to amend any segment of the RFP prior to the announcement of a selected firm.
  • SAS also reserves the right to remove one or more of the services from consideration for this contract should the evaluation show that it is in SAS’s best interest to do so.
  • SAS also may, at its discretion, issue a separate contract for any service or groups of services included in this RFP. SAS may negotiate a compensation package and additional provisions to the contract awarded under this RFP.
  • The Smart Africa reserves the right to debrief the applicants after the completion of the process due to expected high volume of applications and avoiding the compromise of the process.

Late proposals will be rejected.


Proposals and quotes must remain valid for 180 days after the date of closing noted above. After the closing date and time, all proposals received by the Smart Africa Secretariat become its property.


Any inquiries will only be received at least 5

 working days before the bid submission deadline. Prospective respondents who may have questions regarding this RFP may submit their inquiries to .


Smart Africa is committed to preventing and not tolerating any act of corruption and other malpractices and expects that all bidders will adhere to the same ethical principles.

