CNFA is a not-for-profit organization based in Washington, D.C., dedicated to stimulating economic growth in the agricultural sector by nurturing entrepreneurship, private enterprise, and market linkages. CNFA specializes in fostering private sector investments in training, new technologies, and marketing as a means to increase the overall competitiveness of agricultural value chains and rural development, increase people’s incomes, develop skills in the rural workforce, and facilitate exports.Program Description USAID/Rwanda Modernizing Agriculture ActivityThe purpose of the Modernizing Agriculture Activity is to support increased agricultural productivity and income, access to finance and markets, and access and consumption of nutritious food products in Rwanda, while increasing the resilience of the agriculture and food systems to the changing climate. To achieve this goal, the Activity will sustainably increase agricultural productivity, increase access to finance for farmers and agribusinesses, improve producers’ market outcomes, and strengthen the enabling environment to foster market-driven outcomes in agriculture.


Request for Quotations (RFQ) of the Supply of Maize Sheller & Drying Machine and Their Accessories, and Other Materials.

Section 1 – General Information

Solicitation Number:

RFQ HW 2024-09-057

Solicitation Type:

Request for Quotations (RFQ)

Procurement Description:

Supply of Maize Sheller & Drying Machine and their accessories, and other materials.

Anticipated Period of Performance:

80 days, shorter delivery time is preferred; however, offerors can propose the possible delivery period on their end.

Place of


Kigali-Rwanda, Special Economic Zone

Contracting Party:

From: Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriculture (CNFA)

For: N/A

Under: Feed the Future Rwanda Hinga Wunguke Activity 72069623CA00001

Release Date:

September 12, 2024

Point of Contact for Questions and Offers:



Email Address:

Mr. Aaron Gatabazi

Operations Manager, Feed the Future Rwanda Hinga Wunguke



Question DeadlineSeptember 20, 2024

Instructions: Questions must be submitted in writing; phone calls will not be accepted. Only CNFA’s written answers will be considered official and carry weight in the solicitation and subsequent evaluation. Verbal information received from CNFA, or any other entity should not be considered an official response to any questions.


Offer Deadline:  October 6, 2024, 23h00 Rwanda Time

Via:                      ☒ Email                      ☐ Hard copy                       ☐ Email or Hard copy

Instructions: Reference the Solicitation Number in any response to this solicitation. Offers received after the specified time and date will be considered late and considered only at CNFA’s discretion. Offerors must strictly follow the deadlines provided in this solicitation to be considered for award.

Offer Validity:

Offers must remain valid for not less than 60 calendar days after the offer deadline.


Award will be made to the offeror who is determined to be the best offeror per the evaluation criteria and methodology provided herein. CNFA will not issue an award to different offerors, entities, or third-parties other than the selected offeror(s) who submits an offer in response to this solicitation. CNFA anticipates awarding a provision service agreement to the selected offeror(s).

Terms and Conditions:

The agreement award is subject to CNFA’s standard Terms and Conditions as stipulated in Section 6.

