
RFQ No: VSF-B/ PR/SUP/2024/01

VSF-Belgium is an International NGO based in Belgium whose vision is Healthy Animal, Healthy Human while its mission is “to strengthen the capacities of disadvantaged, livestock dependent communities to improve their well-being”.  Created in 1985, VSF-Belgium currently work in 10 African Countries and has been working in Rwanda since the year 2001 in different facets of community mobilization and development, through implementation of various projects/programmes ranging from education, different aspects of animal health & improved animal management, agriculture, food security & livelihood, income generation & access to finance,  green energy and  different aspects of integrated environmental & natural resources management across the country (for more information visit

Since January 2022, VSF-Belgium is implementing a project called IRCO (Improved health protection and Resilience of Communities and Ecosystems through One health) in collaboration with various relevant actors including MINAGRI / Rwanda Agriculture and Animal Resources Development Board (RAB). The project is implemented by VSF-B Belgium in partnership with IMBARAGA Farmers Organization and Association Rwandaise pour la promotion du Développement Intégré (ARDI).

In its component of animal health promotion, in collaboration with RAB, VSF-B plans to provide some laboratory equipment to strengthen the laboratory satellite of Huye, in the Southern Province of Rwanda. These terms of reference are intended to provide details on the equipment needed, its specifications and also aims to invite legal / physical persons to submit pro-formats invoices in order to supply the requested equipment.

Terms of reference for supplying the Fluorescence Microscopy and ELISA Microplate Reader for the Satellite Laboratory of Huye

VSF-Belgium Rwanda intends to select the qualified firms to supply Fluorescence Microscopy and ELISA Microplate Reader to VSF-Belgium for equipment of Veterinary Satellite Laboratory of Huye.

The objective and description of the assignment.

To supply Fluorescence Microscopy and ELISA Microplate Reader to VSF-Belgium for equipment of Veterinary Satellite Laboratory of Huye in the framework of IRCO project implementation.

Therefore, VSF-Belgium would like to invite eligible bidders to submit bids for the Supply of one (1) Fluorescence Microscopy and one (1) ELISA Microplate Reader via this Request for Quotation No: VSF-B/ PR/SUP/2024/01 as described in details in the table below:



Item description/specification


Unit price (Rwf)


Fluorescence Microscopy

Colour Corrected Infinity Optical System (CCIS®)

  • Trinocular observation tube head (FN23), Siedentopf type, 30º inclined, (Light spli
  • 100:0, 20:80, 0
  • Widefield eyepiece WF 10X/23mm with diopter adjustment +/-4
  • LUMOS reflected High-power LED fluorescence illumination
  • Coded fluorescence turret for 6-position (5 filter sets and 1 BF)

Reversed coded quintuple nosepiece

  • CCIS® HPlan S-APO (Fluor) objective 4X/0.13 WD=17.3mm CG=0.17
  • CCIS® HPlan S-APO (Fluor) objective 10X/0.3 WD=11.7mm CG=0.17
  • CCIS® HPlan S-APO (Fluor) objective 20X/0.5 WD=2.2mm CG=0.17
  • CCIS® HPlan S-APO (Fluor) objective 40X/0.75 WD=0.7mm CG=0.17
  • CCIS® HPlan S-APO (Fluor) objective 100X/1.3 Oil WD=0.1mm CG=0.17
  • AT-DAPI/Hoechst/AlexaFluor 350 set
  • AT-EGFP/FITC/Cy2/AlexaFluor 488 set
  • AT-TRITC/Cy3/TagRFP/AlexaFluor 546 set
  • Rackless mechanical stage, size 220(W) x 170(L) mm, stroke: 80(X) mm x 55(Y)
  • mm
  • Focusable and centerable Abbe condenser N.A. 0.90/1.25 with PH/DF slider slot
  • Köhler illumination with Quartz halogen lamp 100W
  • Integrated filters ND6, ND25, LBD
  • Integrated power supply for 12V/100W light adjustment, voltage indicator with IL
  • and ECO functionali
  • Dust cover, power cord, Allen key, immersion oil (5ml), 2 empty filter cubes, UV
  • light blocking tube
  • Motic Images Plus 3.0 software with plug-in FL channel merge avec Camera



ELISA Microplate Reader

Thermo Scientific Multiskan FC Microplate Spectrophotometer with incubator, Thermo Scientific Wellwash Versa Microplate Washer, Thermo Scientific SkanIt Software Edition Research and Desktop


Expected delivery time: 50 days after issuance of purchase order.

Additional information and requirements:

  • Submission letter (including the  indication of the bidding company’s address and contact person to communicate with VSF-Belgium);
  • Indication of a warranty;
  • Presentation of the Certificate of domestic Company Registration;
  • Certificate of RRA Tax Clearance;
  • Presentation of at least 2 references of similar work completion;
  • Present photos of the items to be supplied;
  • Validity of offer and delivery schedule after reception of VSF-Belgium purchase order.

Selection and Evaluation criteria

Selection will be based on price, Compliance to specifications, Delivery Time and quality of Equipment and company  experience. The evaluation of each response to this RFQ will be based on company’s demonstrated competence, compliance, format, and organization.

The local purchase Order will be awarded to the bidder that receives the highest score as set out in the criteria below:

Selection criteria

Score 100%



Compliance to specification


Delivery time (within 40 days)


Warranty period


Company experience( at least 2 references of similar work completion)




Price of items


Total score


Terms and conditions

  • The currency of the bid will be Rwandan Francs (Frw) and will be inclusive of all applicable fees and Taxes.
  • It is anticipated that award will be made solely on the basis of these original quotations.

However, VSF-Belgium reserves the right to conduct any of the following:

  • Conduct negotiations with and/or request clarifications from the bidder prior to award while preference will be given to bidders who can address the full requirements of this RFQ,
  • VSF-Belgium may issue a partial award or split the award among various suppliers, if in the best interest of VSF-Belgium.
  • The Request for Quotes is not and shall not be considered as an offer by VSF-Belgium.
  • All responses must be received on or before the date and time indicated on the RFQ.  All late responses will be rejected.
  • All unresponsive quotes will be rejected.
  • All quotes will be considered binding offers.  Prices quoted must be valid for entire period provided by respondent.
  • All procurement will be subject to VSF-Belgium contractual terms and conditions and contingent on the availability of donor funding.
  • VSF-Belgium reserves the right to accept or reject any quotation or cancel the procurement process at any time, without assigning any reason, and shall have no liability to any vendors submitting RFQs for such rejection or cancellation of the procurement.
  • The bidders are solely obligated to pay for all costs, of any kind whatsoever, which may be incurred by bidder or any third parties, in connection with the response. All Responses and supporting documentation shall become the property of VSF-Belgium.

Modalities of payment

Respect is one of VSF-Belgium’s values. It respects its partners and the commitments made to third parties. After that RAB confirms that the provided equipment meets the specifications as described in this RFQ, VSF-Belgium will proceed with the payment of the agreed upon amount. The payment will be made no later than 5 days after receipt of equipment and confirmation by RAB that the supplied equipment are compliant with the described specifications. If supplied equipment does not meet the specifications, VSF-Belgium reserves the right to return the equipment to the supplier, cancel and re-launch the contract. In that case, no payment will be made.

Questions & bid submission deadline

Questions regarding this request may be addressed to VSF-Belgium in Rwanda by email: and must be received no later than October 15, 2024. Responses to questions will be distributed to all interested parties not later than 10 October 2024. Questions may be addressed to VSF-B Country Office via email address or call +250 788 481 500.

The bid submission dossier to this RFQ should be submitted scanned, signed and stamped documents in PDF format, addressed to Rwanda Country Programme Manager and sent to the email address:; clearly indicating the subject line: “ Fluorescence Microscopy and ELISA Microplate Reader”, and no later than 15th October 2024  at 17:00 p.m. The bid can be sent as soft copies (pdf) sent at the email mentioned above or physical documents deposited at the VSF-B Country Office Representation at Sainte Famille Hotels Building, Plot Number 1260, Nyarugenge District, Kigali City, Rwanda.

Done at Kigali, on 03rd October 2024

Bimenyimana Désiré

Rwanda Country Programme Manager

VSF-B Belgium