ADA (Appui au développement autonome) is a Luxembourgish, non-governmental organisation that has been increasing the autonomy of vulnerable people in Africa, Latin America, and Asia with inclusive finance since 1994, thereby contributing to achieving the sustainable development goals.ADA leverages its resources and expertise to innovate, support local partners, implement technical support programmes, give investment advice, and manage knowledge to positively and sustainably impact targeted populations. ADA’s activities focus on three main topics: youth entrepreneurship, agricultural and forestry value chains as well as access to basic services. These activities touch upon three transversal themes: climate change, gender, and the use of digital technologies.



Selection of a local service provider specialized in inclusive finance

“Transformation towards sustainable food systems – Kwihaza” is a 4-year project financed by the European Union and the Luxembourg Cooperation for a total budget of EUR 17.5M and managed by Enabel Rwanda in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MINAGRI).

ADA (Appui au Développement Autonome) is a Luxembourgish, non-governmental organisation that has been increasing the autonomy of vulnerable people in Africa, Central America, and South-East Asia with inclusive finance since 1994, thereby contributing to achieving the sustainable development goals.

ADA leverages its resources and expertise to innovate, support local partners, implement technical support programmes, provide investment advice, and manage knowledge to impact targeted populations positively and sustainably.

ADA’s activities focus on three main topics: youth entrepreneurship, agricultural and forestry value chains as well as access to basic services. These activities consider three transversal priorities: climate change, gender, and the use of digital technologies. In organisational terms, the team includes around 50 employees and a dozen technical advisors in the field.

ADA has been selected to be part of the access to finance component of Kwihaza focusing on the supply of financial services through financial service providers to better serve value chain actors by developing appropriate loan products.

To ensure a successful delivery of the activities and results under its responsibility, ADA is looking for a Rwanda-based service provider specialized in inclusive finance to act as a co-implementing partner in close collaboration with the ADA team involved in the project, both in Rwanda and in Luxembourg.

The selection of the service provider will be completed through an open tendering procedure. The service providers invited to submit their proposal are organisations qualified in the implementation of inclusive finance projects. Interested service providers should demonstrate their technical capacity and experience in priority areas such as supporting financial institutions in the development of financial products.

The contract is scheduled to start on 01 November 2024 and end on 31 August 2026. The service provider must be available for the planned period. The submitted offer must be valid for 90 days from the submission deadline.

The financial offer should contain all costs directly related to project implementation. The maximum budget available of the contract is EUR 216,000, including all taxes. Any offer exceeding this amount will automatically be rejected.  A breakdown for each project activity is expected.

As detailed in the Terms of Reference in annex 3, the technical offer should contain:

  1. Motivation for the assignment;
  2. Understanding of the Terms of Reference;
  3. Proposed strategy detailed by project output (methodology, work plan);
  4. Proposed team composition for the project and their CVs;
  5. Organisation profile (description of its governance and management structure, accounting and financial internal procedures, local presence in Rwanda and affiliations/networks);
  6. List of projects and assignments undertaken by the firm to demonstrate its capacity and experience in managing similar projects (project name and description, approximative budget, start and completion dates (month/year), description of actual services provided, organisations involved);
  7. Copy of legal registration certificate;
  8. Copy of the latest audited financial statements;
  9. Any other element deemed relevant can be added to the technical offer.

Interested service providers are invited to submit their offers in English only by e-mail marked “CALL FOR TENDER N°ADA_2024_RWA01” by 30 September 2024 17.00 CAT at the latest to the following addresses: ;

Offers will be opened in a closed session on 01 October 2024. The offers will be evaluated by an Evaluation Committee in two steps:

  • Step 1: Verification of eligibility

Offers are first examined to ensure they are compliant and contain all the required documents. Incomplete or non-compliant offers may be rejected by the Evaluation Committee. Any offer exceeding the maximum budget of EUR 216,000 will be rejected (annex 1).

  • Step 2: Assessment of the technical offer

The Evaluation Committee then proceeds to the technical evaluation of the offers in accordance with the technical assessment grid (annex 2).  Interviews with tenderers whose offers have been deemed compliant may be organised if deemed necessary by the Evaluation Committee.

Selected offer will be announced on 15 October 2024. ADA is not obliged to select a provider at the end of the process if none of the offers are satisfactory.

For any requests for clarification addressed to ADA, applicants are invited to send an e-mail to,no later than 20 September 2024.

Bénédicte Godefroid

Director – Programmes 

Emmanuelle Bilocq 


