FXB Rwanda started its work in 1995 under FXB International created in 1989. In 2012, FXB Rwanda was registered as a local Non-Governmental Organization and continued to be affiliated to FXB International.Right in 1995, the organisation started implementing the programs which were to back economically the vulnerable families specifically due to increased vulnerabilities resulting from Genocide. FXB Rwanda partnered with government of Rwanda and other stakeholders in the process of helping the community and the country to recover from these effects

Website: https://www.fxbrwanda.org

B.P 188 Kigali

Email : procurement@fxbrwanda.org

Website: www.fxbrwanda.org

Subject: Tender for supplying office consumables on contract basis to FXB Rwanda (re-advertised)

Tender reference: 027/G/FXB/2024

FXB Rwanda is Rwandan Local Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), whose mission to address the root causes of poverty as a means of securing children’s rights to survive, grow and develop and strives to be a catalyst for long-lasting positive change in low-and moderate-income among vulnerable families affected/infected by HIV/AIDS by supporting them to improve their social, economic and environmental conditions.

FXB Rwanda would like to invite interested and qualified companies/ individuals in Rwanda to submit their bid documents for supplying the office consumables as listed in the tender document available at FXB Rwanda Coordination office upon payment of ten thousand (10,000Frw) to the account number 25001965004 for Francois Xavier Bagnoud opened in I&M Bank. Upon electronic presentation of the bank slip to procurement@fxbrwanda.org, the tender document should also be shared via email.

The bidder shall submit the following documents:

  1. Prices (Cleary showing the VAT Inclusive, exclusive or exempted)
  2. Copy of the incorporation certificate (RDB)
  3. Valid Tax clearance certificate from Rwanda Revenue Authority
  4. Valid Clearance Certificate from Rwanda Social Security Board.

The bids documents in a sealed envelope, shall be submitted to FXB Rwanda coordination office located at Kamonyi District, Runda Sector, Ruyenzi cell, Rubumba Village or sent an electronic copy to procurement@fxbrwanda.org no later than Tuesday September 24, 2024 by 4:00 P.M.


  • Please make sure you include your email address as it will be used in giving feedback on your application. Suppliers with no email address will not receive any feedback,
  • This tender is readvertised, the bidders who applied on the first advert are advised to not bid again as the first bids will be considered during the evaluation.

Done at Ruyenzi on September 17, 2024

Emmanuel Kayitana

Executive Director

Ruyenzi, Runda, Kamonyi