
Tender Notice: 009/UPHLS /2024

The umbrella of Organizations of Persons with disabilities in the fight against HIV/AIDs and for health promotion (UPHLS) invites qualified bidders to submit bids for the following tenders mentioned in the table below:

Tender title

Tender number


Deadline for submission

Time and date of opening

Source of fund

Event management and production services for robust community outreach campaigns and public rallies targeting hard-to-reach groups including PWDs, AGYW, KPs, Youth, on HIV, TB, STIs, NCDs, and SRH and Conduct disability- friendly mass awareness campaign on HIV, STIs, mental health, NCDs and ASRH among general population, targeting priority groups and PWDs, teen mothers, and parents of children with disabilities.

009/UPHLS /2024



UPHLS-RBF-NSP-HIV opened in Equity Bank Ltd

25/09/202024 at 10:00 am

25/09/202024 at 10:30 am


  • Well printed bids written in English bound and sealed, presented in 4 copies one of which marked original and three copies, should be sent to UPHLS Administration office at Kimihurura, KG 625, st 7.
  • Tender document may be obtained on any working day from 15/09/202024 in the Administration office of UPHLS after presenting the bank slip for the tender
  • The bids will be opened in the presence of bidders or their representatives who choose to attend the session at UPHLS meeting room on the date and time mentioned in the above table.
  • The Outer envelope should clearly indicate respective tender number and title.
  • Enquiries regarding these tenders may be addressed to the UPHLS

Done at Kigali on 10/09/202024

KARANGWA François Xavier

Executive Director of UPHLS

