Inades-Formation Rwanda was created in 1976. It obtained legal personality by ministerial decree n ° 119 of August 22, 1977, revised by ministerial decree n ° 75/11 of April 18, 2006. Since May 29, 2013, Inades -Formation Rwanda has been officially recognized as a national NGO in accordance with Law No. 04/2012 of 02/17/2012 governing the creation and operation of NGOs in Rwanda and has received the official approval of ” Rwanda Governance Board ”(RGB). Inades-Formation Rwanda belongs to a pan-African network, Inades-Formation, which is currently established in ten countries: Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Chad, Côte d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Togo.


Tender Notice (TN) / Invitation for Bids (IFB)


TENDER Number: 07/IFR/2024

  • Inades-Formation Rwanda (hereinafter called ‘’Client”) was recruited as an Implementing partner
    of FAO for the execution of the project entitled Capacity-Building Related to Multilateral Environmental Agreements in ACP Countries – Phase 3 (“ACP/MEAs 3)” in the districts of RWAMAGANA, KAYONZA, RULINDO, MUSANZE, NYABIHU AND RUBAVU. The client intends to apply a portion of the funds to eligible payments under the contract for which this Bidding Document is issued.
  • Under the funds of FAO through the Project: Capacity-Building Related to Multilateral Environmental Agreements in ACP Countries – Phase 3 (“ACP/MEAs 3)” ,Inades-Formation Rwandainvites eligible bidders to submit bids for theTENDER FOR PRINTING THE DEVELOPPED AGRO BIODIVERSITY CURRICULUM AND RELATED MATERIALS (BOOKLETS, BROCHURES AND FLYERS).
  • Tender Documents in English may be obtained from Inades-Formation Rwanda head office located at Remera in Gasabo District behind Remera Main Buses Park, about 1km from the International Airport of Kigali, close to “Centre Christus” upon presentation of proof of payment
    of a non-refundable fee of 10,000 FRWto the Account N° 00040-00002903-26 opened
    at Bank of Kigali.
  • Tender Documents may be obtained on any working day from 18th, September 202408:00 AM
    at Inades-Formation Rwanda Secretariat.
  • Enquiries regarding this tender may be addressed to the following phone numbers: +250735298786 or the following .
  • Well printed bids, properly bound and presented in two hard copies, one of which is the original must reach Inades-Formation Rwanda Secretariat at the address mentioned above no later than
    27thSeptember 2024 at 2:00 PM. Late bids will be rejected and returned unopened.
  • Bids will be opened in the presence of bidders or their representatives who choose to attend
    at Inades-Formation Rwanda head office on 27thSeptember 2024 at 2:30 PM
  • The Outer envelope should clearly indicate the tender title, bidder name and email for notification purpose.

Done at Kigali on 17th, September 2024

Dr. Innocent KARANGWA

The Director of Inades-Formation Rwanda

