Norrsken Rwanda is registered in Rwanda and is 100% owned by Stiftelsen Norrsken Foundation. Stiftelsen Norrsken Foundation is a non-profit organisation founded in 2016 in Stockholm Sweden, with the aim of establishing an enabling environment for impact entrepreneurs to solve some of the world’s pressing challenges. The foundation runs Europe’s biggest co-working space and impact entrepreneur’s hub in Stockholm, Sweden. The foundation opened Norrsken Kigali house in December 2021 and the hub which currently hosts 1000+ entrepreneurs is expected to reach at least 1200 entrepreneurs by the end of 2023.Norrsken Kigali House aims to become one of Africa’s biggest hubs for entrepreneurship & innovation. The House aims is to accelerate sustainable and inclusive socio-economic growth for East Africa, by enabling entrepreneurs to grow scalable businesses. Successful entrepreneurs have the potential to become societal role models and have a direct impact on the region by creating local employment, helping to adapt new tech locally, contributing to the region’s tax base and public services, and attracting more talent and capital to the ecosystem.The Kigali House also aims to become a ‘hub of hubs’ that brings together innovation, health, education, and technology. In other words, the House will work closely with leading companies and organizations, to facilitate a supportive infrastructure of resources and advisory services for the entrepreneurs to tap into, to further improve their likelihood of success.



Provision of Landscape Maintenance Services

Deadline for Submissions: Proposals must be submitted on or before 23:59 (CET) by 22nd November 2024 Late submissions will not be considered for evaluation.

Address for Submissions: E-mail: and

Format for Submissions: Proposals must be submitted by email to: and

The following text should be put in the subject field of the email: Landscape Maintenance Proposals to Norrsken Rwanda Ltd –

Email Address for Clarifications: E-mail: and

Clarifications may be requested via e-mail no later than 7 days prior to the submission deadline at

the above email address.


SectionGeneral Information

  • NorrskenRwanda LTD is an impact ecosystem where entrepreneurs can find everything they need to make saving the world their business. We believe that entrepreneurs building rapidly scalable businesses are our best bet at solving some of the hardest and biggest problems in the world. Our mission is to support them on every step of that journey. We do that by connecting founders with capital, knowledge, world-class working facilities and a global network of exceptional individuals and
  • Tentative time frame: It is anticipated that the contract will be for a period of one year. Thecontract is subject to termination if Norrsken Ltd is not satisfied with the service provided within the 1 year

SectionPreparation of Proposals

Essential Requirements

  • Language:The official language for the proposal, contract, reports and any other documents in relation to the assignment is

2.2 Required qualifications and experience

  • Tax clearance certificate valid for at least 2
  • A minimum of 5 years experience in Landscape
  • At least 3 recommendation letters from entities you have worked
  • The proposal should provide the following information:
  • A brief description of the This description should include such items as:

size; level of staff; number and type of clients; number of landscape works performed annually; geographical network; and scope of operations.

  • A general outline of the planning procedures and methodology normally used forperforming typical landscape assignments, along with any comments or suggestions on the Terms of
  • Detailsof the proposed staff by title/role and experience, the tasks that would be assigned to each staff team member, and an estimate of the total staff input needed to carry out a typical institutional audit
  • Thename of two client (similar to our company) references who may be consulted to provide feedback on performance if

Financial Proposal

  • Adetailed financial bid with the price in RWF broken down by fee concerning monthly fees, one-off costs, and incidental expenses likely to be

Incidental expenses should indicate standard rates used for such items. If the bidder operates other charging rates such as flat fee audits, rates based on financial value or transaction level this should also be indicated in addition in the proposal. The price should be quoted including VAT.

SectionTerms of Reference and Scope of Work

The contractor will be responsible for the following tasks:

3.1 General Maintenance

  • Pruningand Trimming: Regular pruning and trimming of trees, shrubs, and flowering plants to maintain health, shape, and safety, including removal of dead, diseased, or overgrown
  • Weeding:Removal of weeds from flower beds, garden areas, and other landscaped sections to ensure healthy plant growth and aesthetic
  • Mulching:Application and maintenance of mulch around trees and indoor flower beds to retain soil moisture, regulate soil temperature, and suppress weed
  • SoilCare: Monitoring and improving soil quality through aeration, organic matter addition (e.g., compost), and other soil treatments as
  • Pestand Disease Control: Regular inspection of trees, flowers, and other plants for pests or diseases and applying appropriate organic or chemical treatments as
  • PlantSupport: Installation and maintenance of stakes, ties, and other plant support systems for young or fragile trees and plants as
  • SeasonalClean-up: Removal of fallen leaves, dead flowers, and debris around plants and trees, especially during fall and spring, to promote plant health and maintain

3.2 Watering and Irrigation

  • Regularmonitoring of the irrigation
  • Adjustmentsto watering schedules based on seasonal
  • Reportingany issues with irrigation systems and repairs as

3.3 Plant Health Care

  • Fertilizingplants, and trees in accordance with best horticultural
  • Monitoringplant health and applying treatments for diseases and pests as
  • Regularbiweekly fumigation for indoor and outdoor plants and

3.4 Seasonal Planting and Care

  • Seasonalplanting of annual flowers, perennials, or other vegetation as
  • Maintainingexisting plant beds with seasonal care (i.e., deadheading, replanting, ).

3.5 Indoor PlantsVases and Pots Maintenance:

  • Watering and Care: Regular watering, monitoring moisture levels, and ensuring theproper hydration of indoor The contractor will ensure that each plant’s specific water needs are met, based on type and location.
  • CleaningandPruning:Regular cleaning of dust and debris from indoor plant leaves to maintain their health and appearance. Pruning indoor plants to remove dead or damaged leaves and branches, and trimming for shape and size
  • Fertilization: Applying appropriate indoor plant fertilizers to promote growth and sustainplant The contractor will follow a fertilization schedule based on the plant species and the growing environment.
  • Pots and Vases: Ensuring that plant pots and vases are in good condition, free ofcracks, and aesthetically The contractor will replace or suggest replacements for damaged containers and ensure that pots have proper drainage where required.
  • Replanting:Replanting or repotting indoor plants when they outgrow their current containers or if soil refreshment is needed to maintain plant
  • PestManagement:Monitoring indoor plants for pests such as aphids or mites and treating them with non-toxic, indoor-safe pest control

3.6 Waste Removal

  • Removaland disposal of all garden and landscape waste generated during maintenance
  • Ensuringthat all waste is disposed of in an environmentally sustainable

3.7 Deliverables

  • Weeklymaintenance of all designated
  • Monthlyreports on the status of the landscape, including any challenges or recommendations for
  • Emergencyrepairs or services when required (e.g., storm damage).
  • Annualplan for seasonal planting and maintenance

3.8 Performance Standards

  • Maintenanceshould ensure a high level of aesthetic quality and
  • Allservices should comply with local environmental and safety
  • Thecontractor will be expected to use environmentally friendly products and

SectionSubmission of Proposals

  • Proposalsmust be submitted in electronic format by e-mail. Technical and Financial Proposals must be submitted in separate files and marked
  • Thefull details on how to submit proposals are available under Tender Notice at the beginning of this
  • Proposalsmust remain valid for at least 60 days following the deadline for their submission stated under the Tender

SectionFinal Considerations

  • NorrskenRwanda Ltd will not be bound to select any of the
  • Furtherinformation on Norrsken Rwanda Ltd may be found on our website
  • Boththe successful and unsuccessful bidders will be notified in writing following the completion of the evaluation and contract award