DUH aranira AM ajyambere y’ Icyaro is a local non-profit organization based in Kigali, the capital of Rwanda, Kicukiro District, Niboyi Sector.

Website: http://www.duhamic.org.rw




The deadline for submission of bids: Monday September 23 2024

Bid Submission Time: 02:00 PM

Bid Opening Time: 02:30 PM

Place: DUHAMIC-ADRI Headquarters (Kicukiro, Niboye)


Kungahara project is a three years project implemented by DUHAMIC-ADRI in partnership with CARE Rwanda under the funding opportunity from European Union and Austrian Development Cooperation to contribute to resilient food systems and improved food and nutrition security in Rwanda especially in the Districts of Gicumbi, Rulindo and Gakenke. The project is being implemented to achieve two strategic outcomes:

Outcome 1: Women, men, and youth smallholder farmers participate in and profit from equitable, sustainable, inclusive, productive, and nutrition sensitive agricultural value chains, which directly contributes to the specific objective of the call; and

Outcome 2: Vulnerable households, and women and children in particular, consume more diverse, nutrient rich foods.

To tackle the different factors hindering food availability and nutrition, DUHAMIC-ADRI and CARE Rwanda in partnership with districts of interventions are work with existing DPEM coordination committees to ensure that food and nutrition are regularly discussed and exchanged through existing platforms at district, sector, cell and village levels to ensure that agri-value chains are strengthened for both food and nutrition security.


“Community Giant Scoreboards” is behaviour change communication visual tools that are meant to rally residents by publicly tracking community performance against key nutrition and health indicators. Nutrition champions or health service providers update the scores monthly, using green or red sticks to indicate positive or negative progress. The scoreboards are intended to mobilize community members to engage in healthy practices to contribute to resilient food systems and improved nutrition and food security performance results. The scoreboards also serve as an educational tool by presenting images of desirable and undesirable health practices.

Proposed Kungahara Indicators

Indicator will be displayed at both sides of CGSB with the data for the whole cell catchment area and it will be updated monthly by CGSB management committee.

Side 1: Nutrition indicators

  • Number of children 6-59 months attending GMP (Growth Monitoring Program) session at the village level.

Side 2: Food Pyramid (Food groups)

Note that:

  • Before the implementation, a review of existing documents will be done to extract data which will serve as a baseline.
  • Each month, a CGSB committee will fill into the register data from all villages as a record before shading the CGSB

Data source: GMP register, Health Center data

Metal Sign post:

  • Paint
  • Metal
  • Sticker
  • Cement to fix the sign post

The table below shown the quantity and specifications of materials to be procured:

CGSB Materials


Unit cost (Rwf)

Total cost (Rwf)

Manufacturing and assembling the metal sign post (CGSB)


Stickers with design of food pyramid and food groups to be posted on sign posts



54 (18*3)

Grand Total (All taxes inclusive)

  • Metallic Technical Specifications of 300cm x 105cm Signposts
  • Construction: Polyvinyl
  • Thickness: 1mil (with adhesive) – Tube: 2mil – Adhesive thickness: 0.9-1mil
  • PVF thickness: 1mil – Adhesive: PSA acrylic
  • Film Cover: Clear Laminated
  • Adhesive color: Red, yellow and Green
  • Liner: Poly-coated Paint
  • Dimension Stability: .5% Tedlar 7001
  • Gerber Sticker UV Guard
  • DOL 1000 by Avery Dennison.

Requirements for bidders

  1. Application letter addressed to DUHAMIC-ADRI Executive Secretary;
  2. Copy of the company registration certificate;
  3. A valid Tax clearance
  4. Proof of using EBM
  5. At least two certificates of good completion for similar services;
  6. Commitment letter of the bidding company to implement planned activities within the period not exceeding one month (calendar days) countable from one day after signature of the contract.
  7. A financial proposal (quotations) including installation costs, transport costs to 3 districts (Gakenke, Rulindo and Gicumbi) and other related taxes

Done at Kigali on September 19,2024


Executive Secretary

Annex 2: Picture of existing CGSB