DUH aranira AM ajyambere y’ Icyaro is a local non-profit organization based in Kigali, the capital of Rwanda, Kicukiro District, Niboyi Sector.

Website: http://www.duhamic.org.rw


TENDER TITLE: To Supply Lime (Grade 1) in Ngororero and Gisagara Districts


The deadline for submission of bids: Tuesday, September 24,2024

Bid Submission Time: 02:30 PM

Bid Opening Time: 03:00PM

Place: DUHAMIC-ADRI Headquarters (Kicukiro,Niboye)

Background Information

The Scottish Government (SG) was the first Government globally to commit funds specifically to climate justice, launching the Climate Justice Fund (CJF) in 2012, and ensuring that this fund not only supports communities in partner developing countries to become more resilient to climate change but does so in way that acknowledges, and tackles embedded inequalities.

The purpose of the 3-year Scottish Government funded CJC Programme is to implement effective climate justice interventions focusing on community voice and needs, prioritizing marginalized communities, women, and people with disabilities, and considering the Scottish Government’s pillars of climate justice. The CJC Programme will be “of” and “for” the community: communities will be engaged in a participatory, culturally sensitive manner to identify climate-change-related needs (in their own terms) then design interventions (owned by them) to respond.

The Programme will be implemented across 3 Districts (Gisagara, Karongi & Ngororero) and jointly in consortium with Trocaire (Principal Sub-Contractor) and local delivery partners including Rwanda Climate Change and Development Network (RCCDN), its member’s Organizations (DUHAMIC-ADRI, DUTERIMBERE NGO, as well as the National Union of Disabilities Organisation Rwanda (NUDOR).

It is in this regard that we need to implement the activity of making both radical and progressive terraces for Agricultural Land Improvement to the area of 15ha of radical terraces and 100ha of progressive terraces at Gisagra District and 20ha of radical terraces and 100ha of progressive terraces in Ngororero District.


The construction of new terraces is a crucial step in sustainable agricultural practices aimed at preventing soil erosion, enhancing water retention, and improving crop yields. To ensure the success and productivity of these terraces, it is essential to invest in the necessary inputs such as organic manure, lime, reed plants, bamboo plantings and Irish potatoes seeds. This concept note outlines the following objectives:

  1. Soil Fertility Enhancement: To improve soil fertility and structure by incorporating organic manure.
  2. Soil pH Optimization: To adjust soil pH levels to optimal ranges for crop growth through the application of lime.
  3. Erosion Control and Biodiversity: To stabilize terrace edges and enhance biodiversity by planting reed plants, bamboo and other agroforestry trees for edges protection.
  4. Provision of seeds for planting at constructed radical terraces with Irish potatoes as requested by land owners and meted the technical aspects at newly constructed terraces.


  1. Lime: Lime is required to correct soil acidity, which is common in many agricultural soils. Proper pH levels are vital for nutrient availability and overall plant health.

Technical specifications of the needed items and Price breakdown



Technical specifications (description)

Target area


Unity price

Total price (Rwf)



Lime Grade I

20 ha

70,000 Kg



Lime Grade I

15 ha

30,000 Kg

Grand Total (All taxes)

Note: The distribution of lime will be 3 in sectors per district as follow:

Gisagara: Muganza Ndora and Kibilizi

Ngororero: Kavumu, Kageyo and Muhsnda

Procurement process

The following terms and conditions shall be observed during tendering process:

  1. Quotation shall include transportation to above mentioned sites
  2. Commitment letter indicating how the bidder will be able to complete the activities within 3 calendar days starting from date of contract signing;
  3. Company registration certificate
  4. A tax clearance certificate
  5. Proof of using EBM
  6. at least two certificates of good completion of supplying lime or similar inputs

Done at Kigali, September 20, 2024


Executive Secretary