
Terms of Reference for Developing an organisation Strategic Plan 2025-2030 to address decent work deficits in Construction, Manufacturing, Mining and Trade in both formal and informal economy



CESTRAR (Rwanda Workers’ Trade Union Confederation) is the most influential National Centre in Rwanda with 18 affiliated Rwandan Trade Unions, with a progressive membership of more than 300,000 workers in different working sectors across the country.

By its own nature and constitution, CESTRAR is an inclusive and non-political organization that only represents and organizes members according to their professions and believes that they should be given the same rights and opportunities regardless of political affiliation, gender, age, disability, religion, etc.

CESTRAR is governed by the National Trade Union Congress, the National Trade Union Council and the National Executive Committee. The National Executive Committee is responsible of the implementation of the decisions taken by the Congress and the General Trade Union Council as well as the representation of CESTRAR at all levels.

CESTRAR main objectives:

  • Improving socio-economic conditions of workers in Rwanda.
  • Promoting solidarity among workers and involving them in trade union activities.


CESTRAR, as a professional organization of workers, fights for social justice and an equitable redistribution of the national wealth without discrimination.


Our mission is to strengthen unions and provide a unified voice for all workers. We are committed to defending human and trade union rights, creating a healthy and safe working environment, fighting against exploitation and discrimination, promoting decent work and social protection for all.


Solidarity: Workers and trade unionists in particular should work in solidarity and be able to constitute a strong force to achieve vision and mission of CESTRAR.

Commitmentunionists must be committed and engaged to the mission, vision, values, culture and principles of CESTRAR.

Loyalty: Unionist must remain faithful to their commitments, rules, and regulations of CESTRAR

Transparency:CESTRAR and affiliated unions are accountable to their members

CESTRAR, the Rwanda Workers’ Trade Union Confederation, is a prominent national


The formal economy refers to economic activities that are officially recognized, regulated, and monitored by government authorities. It includes businesses, enterprises, and workers that operate within legal frameworks and comply with taxation, labor, and other regulations.

The formal economy represents a significant sector of economic activity in Rwanda, yet challenges persist in ensuring that workers have access to decent work opportunities, fair wages, social protection, and safe working conditions.

The informal economy refers to economic activities that are not officially recognized, regulated, or monitored by government authorities. It includes a wide range of unregistered, unregulated, and often cash-based transactions.

The informal economy comprises a significant portion of economic activity in many countries including Rwanda. According to the National Labor Survey carried out in 2022 published in March 2023, there were in total 3,209,144 persons with informal employment at main job, constituting almost 90.5 percent of total employment.

 Informal employment jobs were held mostly by male workers (55.1 percent) however, the informal employment rate was higher among females (91.8 percent) as compared to males (89.5 percent) yet workers in this sector often face challenges in accessing decent work opportunities, social protection, and fair remuneration. Being unrolled and unregulated sector; the sector faces to a lot of challenges to promote decent working conditions and productivity.

 Recognizing the need of development of 5 years’ organization strategy for formal and informal economy in Contraction, mining, manufacturing and trade address raised by the assessment on the decent work deficit in formal and informal economy, CESTRAR is undertaking a project to propose organization strategies for improving working conditions of workers in formal and informal economy through the support of ENABEL under Decent Work and Social Protection Portfolio


In August 2024, CESTRAR compiled and presented to stakeholders an assessment report on decent work deficits in formal and informal economies in the Construction, Manufacturing, Mining, and Trade sectors. The report highlighted gaps in promoting decent work in assessed sectors and came up with oriented recommendations to policymakers, workers’ organizations, employers’ organizations worker’s organizations, employers’ organizations, and other key stakeholders.

At this stage, CESTRAR, in collaboration with stakeholders, would like to assist trade unions, through the development of an organization strategic plan that addresses decent work deficits in Construction, Manufacturing, Mining and Trade in both formal and informal economy under their mandate to address decent work deficits as through the development of a strategic plan.


The primary objective of this assignment is to develop a comprehensive organization Strategic Plan to address decent work deficits in Construction, Manufacturing, Mining and Trade sectors over the next five years ‘2025-2030) in both formal and informal economy.

Scope of Work

The consultant/firm will be responsible for the following tasks:

Conduct a Situational Analysis:

  • Review existing documents, including the current organization strategic plan, annual reports, and any other relevant materials in each of the four sectors.
  • Analyse the internal and external environment, including a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis four sectors related unions
  • Identify key trends, challenges, and opportunities that may impact the unions’ future.

Stakeholder Engagement:

  • Facilitate consultations with key stakeholders, including staff, board members, partners, donors, and workers.
  • Gather input and feedback on sectors’ affiliated unions current position, challenges, and future direction.

Vision, Mission, and Values Review:

  • Review and, if necessary, refine sectors related unions vision, mission, and core values.
  • Ensure these statements reflect the sectors affiliated unios identity and aspirations.

Strategic Priorities and Objectives:

  • Identify and define strategic priorities and objectives for the planning period (2025-2030) in construction, manufacturing, mining and trade sectors.
  • Develop specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals and objectives.

Strategy Development:

  • Develop strategies and action plans to achieve the identified objectives.
  • Define key performance indicators (KPIs) and targets for monitoring and evaluating progress.

Resource Mobilization and Sustainability:

  • Assess the organization’s current resources and identify gaps.

Risk Assessment:

  • Identify potential risks and challenges that may affect the successful implementation of the strategic plan.
  • Propose risk mitigation strategies.

Drafting the Strategic Organisation Plan:

  • Prepare a draft organization strategic plan document, including an executive summary, situational analysis, strategic organizing priorities, implementation plan, resource plan, and monitoring and evaluation framework.
  • Present the draft to CESTRAR’s leadership and key stakeholders for feedback.

Finalization and Presentation:

  • Incorporate feedback and finalize the organization strategic plan document.
  • Present the final organization strategic plan to the organization’s board of directors and senior management.


The Consultant will deliver the following:

  • Inception Report: This report will outline the methodology, work plan, and timeline for the project.
  • Draft Report: A comprehensive draft report summarizing the findings, analysis, and proposed strategies for addressing decent work deficits in construction, mining, manufacturing and trade
  • Final Report: The final report incorporating feedback received during the review process and presenting the finalized recommendations and strategies

The table below indicates key deliverables to be approved at each stage:



Estimated Man-Days



Upon Approval of the inception report

5-man days

1 Weeks


Upon approval of the draft report

15-man days

3 Weeks


Upon approval of the final report

5 -man days

1 Weeks

Total Duration

25-Man days

5 Weeks


The Assignment is expected to be completed within one month and one week from the commencement date


Consultancy team

Team Leader

  • University degree in in development studies, social sciences, economics, ICT, or statistics with at least years of experience in Decent Work promotion programs
  • Professional facilitation skills
  • Demonstrate good understanding of project evaluations.
  • Provide traceable, recent, and relevant references to this task.
  • Extensive experience in monitoring, evaluation and research is required.
  • Strong quantitative and qualitative data entry and analysis skills and previous experience using statistical analysis software.
  • Ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing in French, English and Kinyarwanda
  • Excellent report writing and data management skills.
  • ILO work experience would be an advantage.

Other team members

Additional to the Team Leader, the consultancy team will comprise specialists holding university degrees and qualifying for this assignment. They will oversee data collection, conduct interviews with key informants, focus group discussions and training of enumerators in their respective domains (construction, mining, manufacturing, and trade). Under team leader technical supervision, they will compile, analyze information and data collected and draft reports to feed the assignment global report.


The understanding of the Terms of Reference

The consultancy firm will interpret the Terms of Reference and indicate the proposed structure and content for each deliverable. This will serve as skeleton and an anticipation of how the consultant envisages the final report to look like. The consultant will also anticipate the expected outputs and activities to accomplish each deliverable.

Proposed methodological approach for each deliverable and work plan

The deliverables of the assignment complement each other to make the overall objective expected to be achieved. However, each deliverable has its specificity that needs to be addressed specifically. Therefore, the consultancy firm will be required to practically demonstrate specific approaches it will employ to accomplish each deliverable. This must indicate step by step approaches towards effective accomplishment of each deliverable.

For each deliverable, the consultancy firm methods will include but not limited to the following:

  • Design tailored to each deliverable
  • Practical steps to accomplish each deliverable
  • Data collection methods and tools
  • Data analysis methods and tools
  • Quality assurance
  • Ethical considerations

Work Plan

The work plan will include the following components:

  • Expected deliverables
  • Detailed steps to accomplish each deliverable
  • Timeframe to accomplish each deliverable.


The Expression of Interest should contain the following:

Technical Proposal:

  • A cover letter expressing your interest in this assignment
  • Technical proposal with a brief description of why you would be considered as the most suitable for the assignment, relevant expertise, and a detailed, clear methodology, your approach to complete the assignment
  • CV of the Consultants proposed
  • Proof of successful completion of related assignments.

Financial Proposal: indicates the all-inclusive daily rate, supported by a breakdown of all costs. The costs must be in RWF and VAT inclusive.

Please submit electronically your proposal (technical & financial offer) in two separated emails and should be in PDF files to this email ONLY: until latest 14th /October/ 2024 at 9:00 AM.

Done at Kigali, on 8th /October /2024


General Secretary

