IBI is an international economic development consulting firm based in the United States that specializes in economic growth, public financial management, monitoring & evaluation, and adaptive management. Established in 1996, IBI has successfully implemented some 40 projects in over 70 countries. To learn more please visit our web site at www.ibi- usa.com.

Website: https://www.ibi-usa.com/about_us



The United States Agency for International Development (USAID)’s fund Feed the Future Rwanda Boneza Ubucuruzi Activity (RBUA) is a four initiative that aims to improve the country’s trade environment. The primary objectives of the Activity include identifying and eliminating Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs) to trade. Strengthening the soft infrastructure that underpins trade, enhancing transparency and efficiency in trade regulation. The USAID Feed the Future RBUA, will be implemented by International Business Initiatives (IBI).

To achieve the goals of this Activity, IBI will partner with the Government of Rwanda and the private sector, building on Rwanda’s Progress in creating a conducive business environment. The Activity in Partnership with USAID Mission in Rwanda will work with the NTFC through the Ministry of Trade & Industry (MINICOM), Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA) and other key government agencies involved in clearance of goods process to improve the systems and ensure the reduced Non-Tariff Barriers to Trade, and enhanced digitization of trade processes.

The enhanced digitalization of trade processes will focus on the Integration of the Single Transaction Portal system with all systems of Other Government Agencies involved in international trade and other key enhancement activities for ReSW. Rwanda Inspectorate, Competition and Consumer Protection Authority (RICA) plays a critical role in the clearance of goods hence need to support this institution in their efforts to ease trade facilitation.


Rwanda Inspectorate, Competition and Consumer Protection Authority (RICA) was established by the Law Nº 31/2017 of 25/07/2017. RICA is tasked with inspection of quality and standards conformity, and also with promoting healthy competition in the economy by prohibiting unfair business practices as well ensuring consumers protection.

Currently, RICA is automating its internal processes in order to support trade processes and enhance service delivery. This digitalization will include integration with a key RRA system, the Electronic Single Window, to create a single transaction portal. The goal will be to decrease time, cost and paperwork burden for traders as well as to streamline the processing and storage of information.

Therefore, Rwanda Revenue Authority in partnership with International Business Initiatives (IBI) under the Feed the Future- Buneza Ubucuruzi -Activity is inviting qualified Consultants to develop the Import Inspection System (IIS) and upgrade the existing E-Ralis while also developing their integration interface to be integrated with RRA single transactions portal and RSB laboratory information management system platform (for IIS).

Position Description

The general of objectives of this position is to support the upgrading of RICA’s E-Ralis system, which covers import and export of agricultural products, animal products, agricultural materials as well as agrochemicals; developing RICA’s Import Inspection System (IIS) to streamline import processes for general cargo; building the APIs interface of the IIS to the RSB laboratory information management system platform; and building APIs Interface of IIS and E-Ralis systems to be integrated with RRA’s Electronic Single Window / single transactions portal.

The above deliverables will significantly expedite and simplify the process for traders requesting import & export permits and for other services under RICA’s mandate. While the IIS component will facilitate post release inspection activities, especially in the case of releasing consignment under Seal, while limiting entry of substandard products on the market .

Roles and responsibilities:

In collaboration and consultations with RICA staff, RICA and RRA IT teams to:-

  • Develop and document a comprehensive E-Ralis upgrade and its integration with the Electronic Single Window;
  • Document and develop a comprehensive Import Inspection System (IIS) requirement and develop its integration requirements with other system like RSB Laboratory Information Management System and the Electronic Single Window;
  • Develop and upgrade the APIs Interface to accommodate integration requirements of RICA’s systems (IIS & E-Ralis) with the Electronic Single Window;
  • Ensure testing and smooth commission of the API integration interface (API) is completed;
  • Train RICA and RRA teams on various technical intervention required to maintain and secure the integration to ensure that they acquire skills to manage the system after handover.

Specific tasks:

  • Identify the scope of the project, including what the system will and will not cover and determine the key stakeholders in consultation with RICA IT team;
  • Develop a detailed workflows for different processes within the system. (Visual representations of user interactions with the system);
  • Develop an inception report for the system development upgrade, integration and maintenance methodology, work plan and schedule of tasks, with corresponding deliverables;
  • Provide user manual and training to both to RICA’s staff and IT personnel at no extra cost;
  • Develop a detailed design of the system components, including UI/UX design, database design, and software components;
  • Lead the development of APIs for seamless communication between upgraded E-Ralis and the Electronic Single Window;
  • Take lead in the development of the Import Inspection System and facilitate in the development of APIs for seamless communication between RSB laboratory information management system platform and the Electronic Single Window;
  • Avail the configuration, documentation and guidelines which clearly state how to manage the integration and ensure that details on the hosting arrangement environment and its configuration are provided;
  • Provide system configuration documents for both software development and software mechanics as a reference for future maintenance or update efforts such as: software requirement documents on both ERP, ERD diagrams, API document, source code among others;
  • Prepare a long-term maintenance plan and maintenance methodology that will meet RICA and RRA needs regarding the identified gaps and mitigation;
  • Avail the Evaluation report of the project’s success and identification of areas for improvement.


  • Rwandan citizenship;
  • Provide CV with outlined software/system development skills with particular familiarity with Customs related Systems, should have developed API and also integrated API with other systems;
  • The consultant should present proof of completion of related assignments in the past 3-5 years similar to technical task, have a clear indication of the availability and time commitment to this assignment.


  • Master’s Degree with 3 years of working experience or Bachelor Degree with 5 years of working experiences in IT, Data/Information Management, Information Technology, or Software Engineering or in related field.


The consultant is expected have the skills to:

  • Code and test software based upon software specifications and design;
  • Analyze approved user stories and software requirements to determine the feasibility of system design within time constraints;
  • Propose the methodology and technology to be used during system development which will be approved during the inception report presentation;
  • Prepare design documentation and present system prototype;
  • Write and maintain technical documentation to describe program development, logic, coding, testing, changes, and correction;
  • Use web-enabled platforms and common statistical analysis tools;
  • Demonstrate strong experience in development of web applications;
  • Exhibit proficient skill in some of the following programming languages: React js, Node js, php, C/C++, JavaScript, Python, Go programming language, R Swift, C# and Matlab;
  • Exhibit proficient in Mobile user applications;
  • Exhibit proficient in the use of Structured Query Language (SQL), and another high-end Database;
  • Demonstrate experience in data analysis and data reporting (Business Intelligence);
  • Ability to train and support IT staff to maintain the system and optimize data management;
  • Prepare a system user manual;
  • Having experience in Centralized Invoicing, e-payment Platform and money transactions are added advantage.


The timeframe for this assignment is 8 months.


Interested consultants are invited to submit their CVs with the proof requested in the eligibility section by September 27th2024.

All applications should be submitted to Rwanda_procurement@ibi-worldwide.com

IBI is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate in its selection and employment practices on the basis of ethnicity, color, religion, sex, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability.