Caritas Gikongoro is a service of Gikongoro Catholic Diocese created in 1993, with the mission to assist the needy (poor, vulnerable, oppressed) through increasing their income, improvement of health, socio-charitable works as well as the promotion of a culture of peace. The Vision of Caritas Gikongoro is to have a society where human dignity and the integral development of all people are promoted according to the evangelical values. To achieve this, Caritas Gikongoro operates through the following three departments: department of charitable social work, department of health, and department of development. This department is responsible for helping people to develop themselves, satisfy their economic and social needs and become eventually self-reliant




Catholic Diocese of Gikongoro was created on March 30th, 1992 with legal personnality N0 296/06 of 01/10/1992, governing organization and functionning of Reglious based organizations in Rwanda. It is located in the south-west of Rwanda. Gikongoro Catholic Diocese is subdivided into 17 parishes which include 64 sub-parishes and 1.744 basic ecclesial communities (CEB), established on an area of 2.057km² with a total population of approximately 778.150 inhabitants. The Gikongoro Catholic Diocese covers the districts of Nyamagabe, a big part of Nyaruguru district and a portion of Nyanza and Huye in southern province and small part of Karongi districts in western province.

The vision of the Catholic Diocese of Gikongoro is that of a Church that is the light of our hearts, carried by us, at the service of every man and of the whole man. Its mission is clarified by its constitution: The evangelization and promotion of human dignity of people as it is defined by Jesus Himself: “All authority, in heaven and on earth, has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Mt 28:18-20). This is achieved through its different Services and comissions by carrying out various interventions in the area of evangelisation, education, health, poverty reduction, socio-charitable works, justice and peace and institutional capacity building.


Catholic Diocese of Gikongoro developed the different organisational policies and procedures to ensure compliance with laws and regulations, give guidance for decision-making, and streamline internal processes. eventually contribute to a positive organisational culture, help manage risks, and provide a foundation for effective communication. These policies include but not limited to gender policy, safeguarding for all Programme participant’s policy, Risk register policy.

In that context, the Catholic Diocese of Gikongoro, is hiring a consultant to conduct an evaluation of the above mentioned policies in order to identify areas that the organization needs to address identified gaps and updates them accordingly for ensuring that the organization’s policies and procedures are in line with ever-changing regulatory standards.


  • Brief summary of identified policy gaps on organizational, staff, volunteers, partners, and document them. The summary will identify roles of various parts in the organization relating the identified gaps with the required recommendations
  • Produce and submit updated Organizational Policy of Gender, child and safeguarding policies in English


The consultant will have to produce a succinct and clear outline that documents status and recommendations to the organization. The consultant will use the identified gaps to update the policies through a participatory way engaging staff, senior managers and board members. Feedback session will be conducted as well in order to share findings and updated policies.


The consultant or consultancy firm should:

  • Have in depth knowledge of the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church;
  • Have at least a Bachelor’s degree from a legally recognized university or higher education institute in one or more of the following fields: public administration and Laws, Social sciences, and another connected field;
  • Have a proven experience in the development of different Policies required in the management of civil society organizations in general with three examples of a previous similar work;
  • Be ready to work in continuous consultation with the team of Catholic Diocese of Gikongoro;
  • Fluency in English, French and Kinyarwanda.

In addition, the consultant or consultancy firm office should:

  • Provide a detailed quotation and action plan of the consultancy work;
  • Be registered with the “Rwanda Development Board” with a supporting certificate;
  • Be able to deliver an EBM receipt.


Successful candidates will be expected to comply with country Labor law and various organizational policies, including those that the organization has signed up, such as Safeguarding Program Participants, Gender policy and Child Protection Policy.

Applications documents should be sent by email to, or delivered to the Gikongoro Catholic Diocese office located at Gasaka Sector, Nyamagabe District, and Southern Province not later than October 27, 2024 by 5:00pm.

Done at Nyamagabe, on October 15, 2024.


Director of Caritas Gikongoro

