Mission: is to represent our members in the processes of facilitating citizen’s participation in sustainanble development efforts throught constructive dialogue, debate and advocacy at the national and international levels.

Website: https://www.rcsprwanda.org


1. Background

The Rwanda Civil Society Platform (RCSP) is a national umbrella organization that coordinates and represents 14 civil society organizations (CSOs) across Rwanda. Since its inception in 2004, RCSP has played a pivotal role in ensuring that the voices of civil society are heard within Governmental and Regional structures. RCSP’s mission is to act as a framework of coordination, knowledge exchange, promoting synergy among its members and strengthening their capacity to be impactful at the national, regional, and international levels.

To achieve its mission, RCSP has developed a 5-Year Strategic Plan focused on three key priority areas:

  • CapacityStrengthening: Strengthening the internal organizational and institutional capacity of RCSP and its
  • Coordination,Representation,andPartnership: Enhancing coordination, representation, and partnerships among CSOs to effectively advocate for their rights and engage in policy dialogues.
  • Advocacy and Policy Influence: Engaging in evidence-based advocacy to influencenational policies and contribute to Rwanda’s development

Advocacy is central to RCSP’s mission to ensure that civil society organizations can actively contribute to policy discussions and Rwanda’s development agenda.

To effectively achieve its mission, RCSP is seeking the services of a qualified consultant/firmto develop a comprehensive advocacy strategy. This strategy should systematically map key advocacy spaces, identify strategic opportunities, and provide a roadmap to amplify the voice and influence of civil society in Rwanda and beyond.

2. Objectives

The primary objective of the consultancy is to develop a comprehensive advocacy strategy that strengthens RCSP’s capacity to influence policy and advance the rights and interests of civil society in Rwanda. The strategy should identify key advocacy spaces, actors, and opportunities while outlining actionable steps to engage and influence decision-makers at all levels.

Specifically, the objectives of the consultancy are:

  • Conducta thorough mapping of relevant national, regional, and international advocacy
  • Identifykey stakeholders and allies, including government institutions, international organizations, and private sector partners.
  • Developtargeted approaches for evidence-based advocacy for RCSP
  • Formulatestrategies for strengthening partnerships with policymakers, media, and international organizations to maximize advocacy impact.
  • Propose innovativeadvocacy approaches.

3. ScopeofWork

The consultant will be responsible for the following tasks:

  • Document Review and Analysis: Review the RCSP 5-Year Strategic Plan, existingadvocacy-related documents, and relevant reports to understand the advocacy
  • Stakeholder Consultations: Engage with key stakeholders, including RCSP members,government agencies, international organizations, and advocacy experts to gather insights on advocacy priorities and opportunities.
  • AdvocacyMapping:Conduct a comprehensive mapping of key advocacy spaces, including national policymaking bodies, regional forums, and international platforms. Identify where RCSP can engage and influence
  • AdvocacyStrategyDevelopment:Develop a detailed advocacy strategy outlining the key objectives, priority advocacy spaces, target audiences, and proposed actions. This should include both traditional advocacy approaches and innovative digital
  • StakeholderEngagementPlan:Propose a stakeholder engagement plan for building and sustaining relationships with policymakers, media, and donors to advance RCSP’s advocacy
  • Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E): Propose a monitoring framework for tracking theprogress and effectiveness of the advocacy efforts. This should include key performance indicators, reporting mechanisms, and processes for adapting the strategy.

4. Firm/Consultant’sTasks

The firm/consultant will be expected to:

  • Review allrelevant documents related to RCSP’s advocacy efforts.
  • Developa detailed methodology for mapping advocacy spaces, including data collection
  • Conductfieldwork that may include stakeholder interviews, surveys, and focus group
  • Preparea comprehensive advocacy strategy document and present it to RCSP and relevant

5. Deliverables

The firm/consultant is expected to provide the following deliverables:

  1. Inception report: A detailed report outlining the consultant/firm’s understanding of theassignment, proposed methodology, and a work plan. This should be submitted within the first week of the
  2. Draft advocacy strategy: A draft document detailing the proposed advocacy approaches,key actions, stakeholders, and target spaces for influencing policy.
  3. Stakeholder engagement plan: A plan for engaging with key stakeholders, includingpolicymakers, media, and international partners, to maximize RCSP’s advocacy
  4. Final advocacy strategy: A finalized and actionable strategy that incorporates feedbackfrom key stakeholders, including a phased implementation
  5. ExecutiveSummary: A concise summary of the advocacy strategy suitable for presentation to decision makers and potential advocacy partners.

6. Timeline

The assignment is expected to be completed within 25 days from the commencement date. A detailed timeline will be part of the application.

7. ProfileandCompetenciesRequired

The ideal firm/consultant should have the following qualifications:

  • Master’sdegreeor higher in Public Policy, International Development, Law, Political Science, or a related field.
  • Proven experience in developing strategies, particularly for Civil Society
  • Strong knowledgeofRwanda’scivilsociety and governance landscape in
  • Demonstrated expertisein policy analysis, stakeholder engagement, and public-private
  • Excellent analytical,research,andcommunicationskillsparticularly in advocacy and policy influence.

8. FinancialOffer

The financial offer should be inclusive of all taxes. Applicants are required to submit a detailed budget breakdown including daily rates, estimated number of working days.

9. Reporting

The firm/consultant will report directly to the RCSP Executive Secretary throughout the duration of the assignment.

10. Proposal Submission

Interested firm/consultant should submit their proposals via email to info@rcsprwanda.org by October 28, 2024, before 5:00 P.M. Late submissions will not be considered. The submission should include:

  • A cover
  • A curriculum vitae (CV).
  • Samples of previous relevant
  • Adetailed financial proposal (inclusive of taxes) provided separately from the technical

Submission Format:

  • All documents should be submitted in
  • Proposalsshould be submitted electronically in PDF format, with the technical and financial proposals in separate
  • Theemail subject line should read: Proposal – Advocacy Strategy for RCSP Strategic Plan

RCSP reserves the right to reject any or all proposals received and only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

